Sunday, January 26, 2020
Logistics network design
Logistics network design LOGISTICS network design is concerned with the purpose of the number and site of warehouses and manufacturing plants, allocation of customer demand, distribution of warehouses to production plants. The best configuration must be able to deliver the goods to the customers at the least cost (commonly used objective) while satisfying the service level needs. In most logistics network design models, the customer demand is exogenous and defined as a consistent quantity for each product. Such a uniform demand value does not take advantage of the possibility that different customers have different sensitivity to delivery lead-time. Logistics network design is a vital strategic decision for Audi. It is very important to allocate the customer demand points to warehouses, and allocate products from warehouses to production plants. As Audi have become more global, there has been a trend towards outsourcing the logistics function to third-party logistics (3PL) firms, so that manufacturing companies can focus their efforts on their core competencies. Thus, 3PL companies must have the capability to design efficient and effective logistics network so as to add value to their clients business. Audi is excellent in this. In Audi Company, we see three new models for logistics network design with special focus on the perspective of 3PL companies. The chief objective of these new models is to increase the effectiveness of the resulting network design and the utilization of facilities in the network. The three models encompass the following areas: Logistics network design with differentiated delivery lead time, Logistics network design with price discount, and Consolidated logistics network design using consolidation hubs. A new perspective of Audi that incorporates into logistics network design are, two factor namely delivery lead time and price discount that are usually not considered. This shows that designing network with differentiated delivery lead time can reduce the network cost, while the other shows that combining pricing decision and demand management can result in a network design with higher net profits, combines tactical decision for inventory replenishment policy with strategic decision for consolidated network design. These shows by adding consolidation hubs at suitable locations near to the suppliers, we can leverage on concave Audis cost to reduce the overall network cost. Network design and inventory replenishment policy simultaneously our findings provide managerial insights into how 3PL companies can and their results to improve their business. Audi design more effective logistic networks to support their clients and Audi is applicable to the order fulfilment business process and managing suppliers for manufacturers. As every part is made by Audi but work is divided into different department, for example tyre, machine etc are produced in different plant. Audi is designing a network according to demand classes segmented according to their sensitivity to delivery lead time. This shows that potential network cost savings can be achieved by designing a network with segmented customer demand as compared to a network without segmented demand. For the segmented demand case, the short LT demand customers are served from their local warehouse or a nearby warehouse which can satisfy the delivery lead time requirement; while the long LT demand customers are served directly from the hub which is located further away. In addition, the model explored the multiple facilities grouping method which groups facilities which can serve the same customer location within the short LT requirement. It was shown that multiple facility grouping can reduce the network cost, especially for networks with lower inventory holding cost and high fixed facility cost. Network Design: Key Issues Pick the optimal number, location, and size of warehouses and/or plants Determine optimal sourcing strategy -Which plant/vendor should produce which product? Determine best distribution channels -Which warehouses should service which customers? Data for Network Design A listing of all products Location of customers, stocking points and sources Demand for each product by customer location Transportation rates Warehousing costs Shipment sizes by product Order patterns by frequency, size, and season, content Order processing costs Customer service goals
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Old Smoke Essay
Explain how you would handle this situation if you were Charles Renfold. I can relate to some of the typical attitudes that Sheehy reports appear to be in the work environments because I have experienced some of them myself. Some of my former co-workers did not always believe in customer service. They would sometimes deliberately take their time in executing a simple task just because they did not like a certain regular customer who frequents the establishment. Their were some who would watch the every move of a supervisor or manager, hoping that they do or say something wrong, just so they can go and tell their boss. This was done with the intentions hoping to get them in trouble or possibly even terminated. All of this is a product of the cultural environment we work in. Describe the policy on smoking that you would recommend to Redwood Associates. The implications of the work ethic for the future of American business are imminent. A vast number of employees reject the very idea of hard work and long hours. They believe in taking shortcuts or getting something done without much effort, usually by having someone else do it. If the task was a priority for upper level management or the individual would gain some type of recognition for its accomplishment that was the time in which maximum effort was applied. Other than that, most employees would just cruise through the job stuff and wait for the big score. These are just a few of the implications that are drastically affecting business in America today. Explain how this case would change if what bothers Darlene is not old smoke but the smell of Alice’s perfume or Frank’s body odor. It is more reasonable to expect workers to be more devoted to their jobs, more concerned with quality and customer service; especially with the state of today’s economic situation in this country. For one, it is the right thing to do, regardless of how one may feel about management or the job for that matter. Second, you can not expect to get paid for doing nothing. If you take care of the customer, provide a quality product with service, you retain a regular patron, help the company earn a profit and in the end, probably maintain long term employment. Finally, we all have a moral obligation to do what is right and just. Explain whether it is fair or reasonable for companies to ban employees from smoking in their cars in the company parking lot. The culture of the work environment and peer pressure are significant reasoning behind employee theft. Some employees want to be accepted or fit in with their co-workers. Some of them do not believe that they are paid enough. They would steal from the company to gain acceptance or use it as a means of getting over. They fail to envision the affect revenue loss has on the company as a result of employee theft. It is not my stuff. It belongs to the company. I just work here is the mentality that most employees have. However, if the company or business was ran by them, a family member or someone they knew, they would not allow theft to occur. They would want someone to report it.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Shocking Facts Regarding An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics Exposed
Shocking Facts Regarding An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics Exposed This passage perfectly embodies the subject of the story. This line also displays a little foreshadowing. Comparable to Bierce's protagonist, it's revealed at the end that the whole sequence of events has occurred in the brief span of his death. The Battle Over an Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics and How to Win It Annotation for this story is perfect for advanced students reading it for the very first time. This isn't an instance of the work generated by our Essay Writing Service. This isn't an instance of the work generated by our essay writing service. Life, to this guy, is just a dream he holds of his freedom. He closed his eyes in order to repair his last thoughts upon his wife and kids. He travels on, urged by the idea of his wife and kids despite the pains due to his ordeal. The idea of his wife and children urged him onHe needs to have traveled the whole nigh t. The War Against an Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics A Northern soldier arrives to go to Farquhar at his house. Peyton's imagination comes into play when he doesn't need to accept the simple fact which he will die. The true setting is quite a tiny corner of the Universe it's a bridge in North Alabama, where Peyton Farquhar will be hanged. On the other hand, the close of the story proves that Peyton is, actually, dead. The main reason for the war was slavery but many different aspects played a role also. Farquhar would like to understand how he can assist in preventing the Union from advancing. But this doesn't discredit his virtues in different regions of life. The story wouldn't be considered traditional in stages of dramatic improvement. an Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics The key to eternal life is something which has mostly eluded us for millennia. His senses start to broaden. On the other hand, the forest he travels during h is imagined escape isn't so friendly. The 5-Minute Rule for an Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics The bridge doesn't offer you any solution for him. A Real Estate company unlike any other centered on the mission of constructing a network of career-minded pros who strive to cultivate their enterprise and their future. The very first, using dramatic viewpoint, describes where the action occurs. Understanding an Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics It is a significant debate whether animals should be held in the zoos or not some say that it's essential to capture them so as to protect from poachers. He can't escape physically from the guards, and he cannot escape mentally from the thought of death. Unfortunately, often times the circumstance isn't guaranteed. The setting plays an important part as it is dived into three unique sections. This section is extremely short and just provides a crucial account of events. The very first section compr ises the exposition. The second section functions as a flashback to give information leading up the present circumstance. It contains additional background information along with a flashback. Both of these words together with the hyphen present a very clear and discrete image. Vivid imagery and application of vernacular play an important part in describing the central conflict. What Does an Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics Mean? The fall doesn't injure him. The second way where the existence of the stream could be interpreted is it is the mans life that's swiftly passing by. A theme of which expresses the tragedy in the very last moments leading to the ending point of an individual's life. Lastly, the previous character explained in the story was the messenger. Bierce's writing style is ideal for a brief story. Cite details from the story to back up your answer. an Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Critical Essay Topics - Is it a Scam? Here, you'll disco ver questions that may prompt discussion about the center section of the novel. Specific guiding questions can benefit the total discussion, causing a deeper comprehension of the content. Use the linked lesson plan in the prior sentence. Think carefully about the next questions. Bierce uses a distinctive means to shift from various tones during the story. No matter the case may be Ambrose Bierce produced a story that's captivating at each amount of reading. Bierce's portrayal of Farquhar's imagination permits him to escape the truth of his situation, even if it's just for a couple of brief seconds.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
What Is Bipolar Disorder - 2131 Words
What is bipolar disorder? The author of An Unquiet Mind, Kay Jamison, suffers from bipolar disorder a serious mental illness that has made its mark on her. â€Å"Manic-depressive illness or bipolar disorder is a disorder of mood that involves recurrent episodes of abnormally elevated mood (mania) and depression.†(Burton pg.123 2009). Every case is different but all cases of bipolar have manic episodes followed by depressed states. From the decreased activity of the monoamine neurotransmitters serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine in the brain results in depression, increased activity of these monoamine neurotransmitters results in the effect of mania. (Burton 2009). Lithium is a treatment commonly used to treat bipolar disorder. Researchers†¦show more content†¦This patient has a regular pattern of this disease and does not want to take medication because he has adapted to this lifestyle of highs and lows. Over time the patient cannot resist any help and will make a change to better their li ves. Why change to medication? Being in a manic or depressed state without and support can be debilitating and Jamison understood that. Facing the fact that she will lose her job and is risking many other factors in her life, Jamison realizes that she needs to get help to continue with her life. â€Å"So after mania, when most depressed, you’re given excellent reason to be even more so.†(Jamison pg. 75 1995). She understands that being in this stage is not healthy for her and is more likely to receive treatment being through these events. The power of support is very important for a person to start treatment and to seek help. Jamison had this with her brother and co-workers they supported her and helped her when she did not believe she needed help. â€Å"Slowly, over a period of many years, I was able to pay him back what I owed him. I can never pay back the love, kindness, and understanding†(Jamison pg. 78 1995). Jamison’s brother was able to provide and help her in her darkest momen ts, he understood what it took to make her feel normalShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Bipolar Disorder?.1101 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is Bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depression, is a mental disorder. This condition primarily affects your mood and can cause extreme mood swings from elation to depression. Individuals with bipolar disorder can experience serious changes in thinking, energy and behaviour. If you have bipolar disorder you are likely to experience what are referred to as ‘episodes’ or states. The differentRead MoreWhat Is Bipolar Disorder?1546 Words  | 7 PagesWhat Is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes uncommon shifts in mood, energy, ability to perform daily routines and another terminology is â€Å"manic-depressive illness†. According to American Psychiatric Association â€Å"Bipolar diagnosed patients can lead full and productive lives†. This isn’t by any means harmful or threatening but can be well managed, controlled and yield positives because it can be treated. How Can Bipolar Behavior Be Recognized? An individual can be inRead MoreWhat Are Bipolar Disorder?1240 Words  | 5 Pagestoday’s society that are diagnosed with mental illness, especially that of bipolar disorder, does not seem to come as much of a surprise to anyone. Yet, why is this? Is the recent over-diagnosis due in part to fault within the definition of what pediatric bipolar disorder actually is? Many believe this to be the case; while others support the notion that bipolar disorder is not over diagnosed and the recent prevalence of the disorder is the result of increased awareness on the part of health professionalsRead MoreWhat Is Childhood Bipolar Disorder?2344 Words  | 10 Pages What is Childhood Bipolar Disorder? A Review of the Literature Barbara Diaz University of Houston-Downtown Author Note This paper was prepared for Psychology 4308, taught by Dr. Jennifer Montgomery Abstract Since the 1990s, the amount of children who are diagnosed with a form of bipolar disorder have rocketed sky high. Children, like adults can possibly have neurological issues in the brain that does not allow them to function properly. These children are seen as hyperactiveRead MoreWhat ´s a Bipolar Disorder?1800 Words  | 8 PagesBipolar disorder is generally a term that society and the media have stigmatized as something horrid. A mental illness that has labeled the individual as crazy due to the extreme pendulum of mood swings. Where we know the individual diagnosed with the disorder is usually happy, sad, irritated, and depressed all in a short period of time. Often times when typically functioning people cringe at the idea of having the mental illness. For myself, I would have to honestly state that I was once one ofRead MoreWhat Bipolar I Disorder ( Bd )1529 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction When people are asked what bipolar I disorder (BD) is, responses often include, â€Å"Sometimes they’re really normal and then they get super mad,†â€Å"drastic mood swings,†â€Å"they’re psychotic,†â€Å"one can be very happy and excited but can also experience depression,†and the list is endless. Often, individuals who suffer with BD are stigmatized and discriminated. The following piece is part of a poem called â€Å"You and Me†written by Debbie Sesula, â€Å"...If you get angry /You’re considered upset/Read MoreWhat Is Bipolar 2, Well First Of Its A Disorder?969 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is Bipolar 2...well first of its a disorder. A mental illness that effects everyone, yes more woman then men, and is world wide. Recently has been know to be heredity in the genes. A form of mental illness that has very few manic episodes and majority down, depressed episodes. Since with people with bipolar 2 never reach the full maniac stage. Yes these are the mood swings up and down, like the brain has a switch and just turns off the high and lows. The person doesn t feel in controlRead MoreUnderstanding Bipolar Disorder and Evaluating the Possible Causes and Treatments1261 Words  | 6 Pagesevery single detail of life is good. In order to understand what it is like to have your emotions throws around like they are in a hurricane, you must first understand what it is to be bipolar. If a person would like to better understand bipolar disorder, he would have to look at the life of a patient with the disorder, and understand the definition, causes, symptoms, and treatments for the disorder. Understanding exactly what bipolar disorder is can be difficult, but it is best described as a mentalRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Symptoms And Treatment854 Words  | 4 Pagesmedical condition known as bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is when a person suffers from severe shifts in mood and energy. In most cases, bipolar disorder can be treated and people with the illness can live normal and productive lives with the help of medication and or therapy. Aiken, C. (2010). Family Experiences of Bipolar Disorder: The Ups, the Downs and the Bits in Between. Retrieved from Ebsco Host. In this book the author discusses her own dealings with Bipolar Disorder. She goes on to say howRead MoreDo People Living With Bipolar Disorder Need Medication?1154 Words  | 5 Pagesliving with bipolar disorder need medication People living with bipolar disorder need medication to help them function at their full potential. Some people feel that people living with bipolar disorder do not need to be medicated to live a healthy fulfilling life. However to say this first a person must know what bipolar disorder is and how a person is affected by the disorder. According to Rachal Pollock PHD bipolar is described as a common recurrent, often lifelong major psychiatric disorder characterized
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