Saturday, March 21, 2020
Bsb Inc Pizza Wars Come to Campus Essay Example Essay Example
Bsb Inc: Pizza Wars Come to Campus Essay Example Paper Bsb Inc: Pizza Wars Come to Campus Essay Introduction What is Apple’s vision and mission statements? Answer : Apple’s Mission Statement Apple Computer is committed to protecting the environment, health and safety of our employees, customers and the global communities where we operate. We recognize that by integrating sound environmental, health and safety management practices into all aspects of our business, we can offer technologically innovative products and services while conserving and enhancing recourses for future generations. Apple strives for continuous improvement in our environmental, health and safety management systems and in the environmental quality of our products, processes and services. Apple’s Vision Statement Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings. Bain Company mission vision statement : A Mission Statement defines the comp any’s business, its objectives and its approach to reach those objectives. A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company. Elements of Mission and Vision Statements are often combined to provide a statement of the company’s purposes, goals and values. However, sometimes the two terms are used interchangeably. 2. Usage and effectiveness among survey respondents [pic] How Mission and Vision Statements work: A Mission Statement defines the company’s business, its objectives and its approach to reach those objectives. Bsb Inc: Pizza Wars Come to Campus Essay Body Paragraphs A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company. Elements of Mission and Vision Statements are often combined to provide a statement of the company’s purposes, goals and values. However, sometimes the two terms are used interchangeably. Companies use Mission and Vision Statements to: Typically, senior managers will write the company’s overall Mission and Vision Statements. Other managers at different levels may write statements for their particular divisions or business units. 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The Campbell and Yeung definition and explanation of mission and vision was a useful starting point from where the question could be answered. Premium †¢ Environmental Mission, Vision And Values Of The Starbucks Corporation obtain the organizations desired end state. Within the organizations mission and vision statements Starbucks Corporation states that listening to its customer needs. Premium †¢ Gap: Strategic Management: Introduction; Vision, Mission, And Stakeholders our newest brand, Piperlime. (Gapinc. com) Organization mission and vision Gaps mission is stated as: Our purpose? Simply, to make it easy for you to express. Premium †¢ Vision And Mission It is the integration and synthesis of information with dreams Vision statements are often confused with mission statements, but they serve complementary purposes. Premium †¢ Mission Vision leads to change and improve the individuals and organization. The benefits of Mission and vision: Planning provides the ground works for the future and gives. Premium †¢ California Pizza Kitchen Mission, Vision, Values, And Goals the companys foreseeable future. Perhaps the lack of a formalized mission or vision statement on the web site is a testament to their unorthodox beginnings. Premium †¢ Mission, Vision, Value And Principle Of Ata Inc. and what makes them win societys satisfaction and many rewards in the end. Mission, vision, value and principle of ATT Inc. ATT is one of the biggest. Premium †¢ Vision And Mission Statements : â€Å"In that world, we intend to. †Strategy: â€Å"We will achieve this mission by. †Vision and mission-making work can serve you in carrying out your leadership. Premium †¢ Mission Vision Of Pepsico Mission and Vision At PepsiCo, we believe being a responsible corporate citizen is not only the right thing to do, but the right thing to do for our business. Our. Premium †¢ Mission Vision Strategy core values Provides architectural bridge between mission and vision Mission Reasons the IT Department exists Concise statement of what the group. Premium †¢ Southwest Airlines – Mission Vision Statements Southwest Airlines Mission and Vision Statements Southwest Airlines has two statements declaring their mission. The mission of Southwest Airlines is. Premium †¢ Companies Mission Vision in a reception area. One of the chief reasons for the failure of missions and visions to achieve the desired objective is the naivete of most company managers and. Premium †¢ Mission Vision Values Paper be a resource tool but illustrate empathy and people value that also supports the mission and vision. Stories, videos, pictures that show how OGF changes lives and. Premium †¢ Mission Vision Statement services you will offer. It is a clear statement of purpose. A mission statement may last for decades. A vision transforms the organization. It provides a picture. Premium †¢ An Examination Of Gap, Inc’s Mission Vision of time. Abrahams explains, The fact that many companies dont change their mission, vision, credo, or beliefs is significant. Northwestern Mutual Life still embraces. Premium †¢ Sap Supports Mission Vision Of Companies But finding one to count on and to reach the goals written in the companys mission and vision has to be trust worthy and credible to really guide and fix the things. Premium †¢ The Business Vision And Company Mission Statement Essential Elements Taken together, Dow’s essential elements of mission, vision, values, and strategy describe why the company exists, who we are, what we intend. Premium †¢ Mission, Vision, Values, And Principles Of Chipotle Mexican Grill in the Chipotle Mexican Grill 2011 Annual Report and Proxy Statement, their mission and vision statement is to change the way people think about and eat fast food. Premium †¢ Mission, Vision And Objectives Of Agrani Bank Limited, Bangladesh is to specify with precision what must be done if the company is to attain its mission or vision. Well-constructed goals have the following characteristics: 1. Premium †¢ Vision And Mission Statement higher levels of productivity Help with decision-making. A company’s mission, vision and values are that foundation. They guide decision-making by building common. Mission Statement A Mission statement talks about HOW you will get to where you want to be. Defines the purpose and primary objectives related to your customer needs and team values: It answers the question, â€Å"What do we do? What makes us different? †A mission statement talks about the present leading to its future. It lists the broad goals for which the organization is formed. Its prime function is internal; to define the key measure or measures of the organization’s success and its prime audience is the leadership team and stockholders. Your mission statement may change, but it should still tie back to your core values, customer needs and vision. What do we do today? For whom do we do it? What is the benefit? Purpose and values of the organization Who are the organization’s primary â€Å"clients†(stakeholders) What are the responsibilities of the organization towards the clients? Vision Statement A Vision statement outlines WHERE you want to be. Communicates both the purpose and values of your business . It answers the question, â€Å"Where do we aim to be? †A vision statement talks about your future. It lists where you see yourself some years from now. It inspires you to give your best. It shapes your understanding of why are you working here. Your vision should remain intact, even if the market changes dramatically, because it speaks to what you represent, not just what you do. What do we want to do going forward? When do we want to do it? How do we want to do it? Clarity and lack of ambiguity Paint a vivid and clear picture, not ambiguous Describing a bright future (hope) Memorable and engaging expression Realistic aspirations, achievable Alignment with organizational values and culture. Mercedes-Benz Vision And Mission Our Vision to be the Number 1 in Quality, Image and Profitability in the Automotive Sector in Indonesia. Our Mission To delight our customers in everything we are doing. To continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System and our business processes. To continually improve the quality of our products and services. To have a team-oriented and open minded corporate culture involving employees through leadership and individual acceptance of delegated responsibility to be aware of our environment. To have a professional relationship with our business partners. Shell Refining Company Our Vision To be the Top Performing and Most Admired Refinery in Asia Our Mission To continuously deliver shareholder value by: †¢ Manufacturing and supplying oil products and services that satisfy the needs of our customers †¢ Constantly achieving operational excellence Conducting our business in a safe, environmentally sustainable and economically optimum manner †¢ Employing a diverse, innovative and results-oriented team motivated to deliver excellence Our Objectives We are committed to deliver sustainable excellence in business performance by focusing on the following: †¢ Benefit our shareholders †¢ Realize the potential of ou r people †¢ Meet our customer requirements †¢ Maximize refinery margins †¢ Safeguard asset integrity †¢ Deliver structural cost reductions †¢ Sustain a robust management system †¢ Deliver continuous sustainable Health, Safety, Security and Environmental excellence
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Salem Witchcraft Trials Overview
The Salem Witchcraft Trials Overview Salem Village was a farming community that was situated approximately five to seven miles to the north of Salem Town in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In the 1670s, Salem Village requested permission to establish it own church due to the distance to Town’s church. After some time, Salem Town reluctantly granted Salem Village’s request for a church. In November 1689, Salem Village hired its first ordained minister – the Reverend Samuel Parris – and finally Salem Village had a church for itself. Having this church gave them some degree of independence from Salem Town, which in turn created some animosity. While Reverend Parris was initially welcomed with open arms by the residents of the Village, his teaching and leadership style divided the Church members. The relationship became so strained that by the fall of 1691, there was talk amongst some church members of discontinuing Reverend Parris’ salary or even providing him and his family with firewood during the upcoming winter months. In January 1692, Reverend Parris’ daughter, 9-year-old Elizabeth, and niece, 11-year-old Abigail Williams, became quite sick. When the children’s conditions worsened, they were seen by a physician named William Griggs, who diagnosed them both with bewitchment. Then several other young girls from Salem Village also displayed similar symptoms, including Ann Putnam Jr., Mercy Lewis, Elizabeth Hubbard, Mary Walcott and Mary Warren.   These young girls were observed having fits, which included throwing themselves on the ground, violent contortions and uncontrollable outbursts of screaming and/or crying almost as if they were possessed by demons inside. By late February 1692, local authorities had issued an arrest warrant for the Reverend Parris’ slave, Tituba. Additional warrants were issued two other women that these sick young girls accused of bewitching them, Sarah Good, who was homeless, and Sarah Osborn, who was quite elderly. The three accused witches were arrested and then brought before magistrates John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin to be questioned about the witchcraft allegations. With the accusers were displaying their fits in open court, both Good and Osborn continually denied any guilt whatsoever.  However, Tituba confessed. She claimed that she was being assisted by other witches who were serving Satan in bringing down the Puritans. Tibuta’s confession brought mass hysteria not only in the surrounding Salem but throughout all of Massachusetts. Within short order, others were being accused, including two upstanding church members Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse, as well as Sarah Good’s four-year-old daughter. A number of other accused witches followed Tibuta in confessing and they, in turn, named others. Like a domino effect, the witch trials began to take over the local courts. In May 1692, two new courts were established to help ease the strain on the judicial system: the Court of Oyer, which means to hear; and the Court of Terminer, which means to decide. These courts had jurisdiction over all the witchcraft cases for Essex, Middlesex, and Suffolk counties.  On June 2, 1962, Bridget Bishop became the first ‘witch’ to be convicted, and she was executed eight days later by hanging. The hanging took place in Salem Town on what would be called Gallows Hill. Over the next three months, eighteen more would be hanged.  Further, several more would die jail while awaiting trial. In October 1692, the Governor of Massachusetts closed the Courts of Oyer and Terminer due to questions that were arising about the propriety of the trials as well as declining public interest. A major problem with these prosecutions was that the only evidence against most of the ‘witches’ was spectre evidence – which was that the accused’s spirit had come to the witness in a vision or a dream. In May 1693, the Governor pardoned all witches and ordered their release from prison. Between February 1692 and May 1693 when this hysteria ended, more than two hundred people had been accused of practicing witchcraft and approximately twenty were executed.
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