Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Tragedy of Ophelia in Hamlet Essay - 945 Words
The Tragedy of Ophelia in Hamlet Sweet and innocent, faithful and obedient, Ophelia is the truly tragic figure in William Shakespeares Hamlet. Her nature invites us to pity her misfortune caused not by any of her own self-initiated deeds or strategies(Lidz 138). Laertes tells us convincingly how young and vulnerable Ophelia is, (act I. iii.10) likening her budding womanhoods destruction from Hamlet to a process as the canker galls the infants of the spring,/ Too oft before their buttons be disclosed, /And in the morn and liquid dew of youth / Contagious blastments are most imminent. He advises her to stay away and she lovingly banters back, typically like a young teen, reminding him to act as he advises (Campbell 104). We†¦show more content†¦Angered Hamlet lashes out at her verbally abusing her calling her two-faced and playing ignorant in wantonness, but here she shows compassion for him of his madness calling to the heavens to help him instead of hating him or speaking abusively back to him. By Hamlets v ery warnings of what woman are capable of and three times telling Ophelia to go to a nunnery, he shows how even he did not want her purity tainted, her innocence corrupted as he must have concluded was already by her part in a plan he knew her not capable of devising. But Hamlet was at it again at the play talking bawdy and improper, she listens and takes in but her replies are not over the line of improper, innocently just missing his intent, I think nothing, my lord. We see how fragile she is, but then who would not be shocked into a madness if their lover rashly killed their father and then was whisked away unpunished leaving behind an unholy and unbecoming cover up. No religious or stately funeral was afforded her beloved father, no flowers, not even family were there to show him honor on his heavenly journey. Ophelia, so dependent on her father, all alone in her dismay and grief, her brother who was not directly told of Polonius? death was away in France, avoided by the queen and king, she could receive no comfort there, she senses the taboo and danger in expressing the injustice straight out. A gentleman of the court tellsShow MoreRelatedOphelia and Hamlet in The Tragedy of Hamlet Essay1559 Words  | 7 PagesOphelia and Hamlet In 1600, William Shakespeare composed what is considered the greatest tragedy of all time, Hamlet, the tragedy of the Prince of Denmark. His masterpiece forever redefined what tragedy should be. Critics have analyzed it word for word for nearly four hundred years, with each generation appreciating Hamlet in its own way. While Hamlet conforms, without a doubt, to Aristotles definition of a tragedy, one question still lingers. Did Shakespeare intend for the reader or viewerRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark, Gertrude And Ophelia1514 Words  | 7 PagesKaaiz Rana Timothy McNeil ENG 95 S 17th June 2016 Ophelia Verses Gertrude In the play â€Å"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark†, Gertrude and Ophelia share similar characteristics. Gertrude is the queen of Denmark and also the mother to hamlet, and Ophelia is the daughter of Polonius, sister to Laertes and hamlet’s love. As a mother it is a maternal instinct to be loving, kind, caring and be there for your child during times of strife and joy. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Yahoo and Alibaba Free Essays
3. How has the strategic value of Yahoo to Alibaba changed over time since 2005? 2005 was a tough year for Alibaba. Because of the US$100 million investment in China by eBay, Alibaba and its subsidiary – Taobao fell into a severe price war against eBay which hindered the profitability of the group and much more capital was needed for operational and technological improvement in order to win the battle. We will write a custom essay sample on Yahoo and Alibaba or any similar topic only for you Order Now Under this circumstance, Alibaba formed a partnership with Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo invested US$1 billion in Alibaba and transferred the ownership of Yahoo! China to Alibaba. In return, Yahoo got a 40% stake and 35% voting rights in Alibaba. Beside the cash injection, another reason for the initiation of the partnership was that Alibaba valued much on the importance of search engine for its e-commerce work. At that time, owing Yahoo! China was a competitive advantage of Alibaba against eBay. At that time, Yahoo had much strategic value to Alibaba due to its large capital base and technology to help Alibaba safeguard its market share under eBay’s attack. However, the operation of Yahoo! China under Alibaba was unsatisfactory. Since 2005, Yahoo! China has been losing its market share and lagging behind its rivals. Although Alibaba tried to re-orientate it as more business-oriented to grasp the market niche, the effort was in vain. The influence of Yahoo! China in the search engine market in China diminished. Hence, it failed to draw attention of potential customers of Alibaba and was not capable to bring enough benefit to Alibaba leading to a fall in strategic value of Yahoo!. Even for the parent of Yahoo! China – Yahoo! Inc. , the story was more or less the same. The net income of Yahoo dropped 78% in the first quarter of 2009 which resulted in a massive layoff. Due to the low profitability, Yahoo formed a 10-year agreement with Microsoft. Under this contract, Yahoo had to adopt Microsoft’s search technology (Bing) instead of its own technology in all Yahoo’s website. Similarly, Yahoo agreed to use Google’s search engine in Yahoo! Japan (search ads platform). In other words, it surrendered its own searching technology which Alibaba valued most. Search engine is important to e-commerce companies. As many people use search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. to get appropriate results of their queries, a smart search engine can allocate much traffic to the e-commerce website by placing their website on the top of result pages so that potential customers can be created. Now that Yahoo lost its own search engine, it may only be able to provide support to Alibaba under Microsoft’s constraints which was unlikely to be what Alibaba wants and thus lowering Yahoo’s strategic value. Unlike the poor performance of Yahoo, the profit of Alibaba surged after the partnership. Apart from being the market leader in China, Alibaba started to expand its business overseas in 2008. For instance, it formed a partnership with Informedia India Limited; set up Alibaba Japan, a joint venture with Softbank to foray and launched AliExpress in US etc. All these new strategies had no correlation with its partner – Yahoo! Inc. These revealed that Alibaba was keen on developing new relationships with overseas companies to enter foreign markets. Due to the poor relationship with Yahoo, Alibaba no longer seek cooperation with it and the strategic value of Yahoo further diminished. Because of the poor performance of Yahoo! China, Alibaba started to provide Sogou (a local search engine) in addition to Bing for its customers. This probably made Yahoo’s market share further decrease as customers no longer need to choose Yahoo! China’s Etao as the only access to Alibaba and they can opt for Sogou Shopping instead. Even Alibaba loses Yahoo! China, it still has its new channel to reach its potential customers. It seems that Yahoo has lost its role as an exclusive search engine of Alibaba and lost its strategic value meanwhile. How to cite Yahoo and Alibaba, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
E Commerce Is The Most Happening Aspect †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The E Commerce Is The Most Happening Aspect? Answer: Introducation E-commerce is the most happening aspect of businesses in the present world. With the advent of internet as well as the connectivity options through different web interfaces, everyday lives of people have undoubtedly become simpler. Though the concept of e-commerce was introduced around forty years ago, the use and benefits from this business plan are huge. The concept of e-commerce basically focuses on buying and selling of products online. Several advantages make the online businesses work as well as lead to their success. E-commerce is famous because the facilities of buying, choosing for a variety of options as well as selling of products online is available all round the clock. Previously the business was almost non-existent but slowly it has developed as a threat to the traditional shopping and trading industry. Apart from the concept of choosing, buying and selling online, the availability of people all round the clock help them to share their views about the industry as well as give their feedback about the shopping experience (Sekaran Bougie, 2016). E-commerce is not always positive in its impact. The negative aspects of e-commerce comprise several fears. These include the anxiety over theft of identity as well as fraud of credit card. Problem also arises from the inability to see or feel the product physically. Online purchases which involve high costs of shipping may incur losses due to this reason (Blank, 2012). Though the companies allow the free shipment facilities for those customers which exceed a certain limit of purchase, still some losses are bound to be incurred by the company. Keeping the background of the economy in mind I feel that the best start up business for India, which I wish to start, is in the food and consumption industry. The demand of several sorts of food items in India is always at the forefront. People of India are considered to be big foodies. Though e-commerce supergiants in the food industry have already established their foothold, it is necessary that variations be brought about in the existing market. It is also to be borne in mind that the food industry however densely occupied it mind be by new companies or individual owners, will hardly ever be saturated. The first and most significant step of opening a start-up is doing the necessary market research. In order to understand the frauds and the problems that can be faced by a new start up in the market it is important to understand the nature of the existing companies in the respective markets.. Also it needs to be understood that for a new company establishment of a strong foothold in the existing market is not easy. So the possibility of it failing cannot be ignored (Cortimiglia, Ghezzi Frank, 2016). For a successful foundation of an e-commerce business, it is essential to understand the economic aspects of a firm in terms of the financial or economic market. It is also essential to understand that the saving of funds for future use is extremely important. Since the business considered is related to the food industry the accumulation of funds is essential for the start-up (Mller Thoring, 2012). I want to form a company which focuses not only on the delivery off different food items but also gives a platform to home-makers for their innovative homemade food items to be sold. The innovation in this start-up is the scope for the homemakers mainly women to earn as well as indulge in their passions. This innovation is bound to create interest among the homemakers. The organisational structure should be hierarchical. Helmed by a manager, it should comprise of managers for different segments, namely food, products, delivery, orders acceptance, queries, selling of home-cooked products and so on. Finally it can be said that, the managers should be selected after the company grows to a certain size (Kim Wagman, 2014). Professionals should also be hired to consider the top leadership roles of the company. Even if the owner of a company oversees all the operations and does not appoint any operations manager at the beginning the company can reach great heights (Jones et al., 2013). The PESTLE Analysis of the company should be done and the factors that can affect a food company start-ups foothold are discussed (Brooks, Heffner Henderson, 2014). The analysis consists of understanding the political, economic, social, technological, environmental as well as legal factors. It is summarised n a tabular form as follows: Political The start-up needs to follow the government regulations The start-up should not face any problems as it is out of political intervention Social Online buying patterns of food in India are high High demand for products and services as well as being socially active will prove a plus Economic Ease of planning and doing business in India paves the way for the economic advancement(Hosseinzadeh et al., 2016) The success of the company will also contribute to overall e economic growth Environmental The Indian environment is suitable for food manufacture Labourers and workers will also be easily available Technological Advancement of internet and the companys online presence will be a huge positive aspect Outsourcing decisions as well as rate of technological change are also kept in mind Legal The company abides by all laws namely the consumer law, health and safety law as well as employment law The potential of the start-up company can suffer due to the recession as the online orders from the company websites are bound to reduce due to the recession rates. The external factors are difficult to be controlled but the internal structure of the company should be controlled. At first, people with knowledge of all, or more or less all sectors of the economy or e-commerce industry should be hired so that the funding is saved for other important features of the company. The hierarchical organisational structure should be implemented in the start-up but after the company has reached a certain height. A separate menu should be created which comprises of the separate segments. One segment should show the items prepared by a specially selected team of cooks, other segments should include the home cooked items sold at the portal. A good we designer should be hired or a person with good web designing skills should be appointed to create a portal with all the necessary fields. I feel that after the company expands, several techniques of business enhancement as well as the betterment of organisational structure should be implemented. Several surveys should be conducted about employee motivation and their results analysed and implemented to keep the employees happy and motivated throughout. The managers of the different segments should be properly taught to manage the smooth operations of the company (Cassar, 2014). Food and food-related industry is bound to face immense competition in India specifically. So for my company to operate successfully it is necessary that the services are good, the marketing operations are successfully conducted in terms of online advertisements, mention in social platforms, possible creation of the companys own application informing the users of all the services as mentioned in the portal (Galbraith, 2014). The mention of the company in the newspaper advertisements is also feasible. Importance also needs to be given to the quality of the food items delivered. Specially, in case of the new and innovative segment, it is necessary that some testers are appointed to check the taste as well as the quality of the food items which are sold by the homemakers or other individuals (Hosseinzadeh et al., 2016). The SWOT Analysis of a company that is a start-up involves discussing about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as threats. The analysis can thus be given in a tabular form as follows: Strengths Ideal for the area of service that is India Popular and effective for people who do not have time to cook at home Innovative concepts incorporated contribute to the demand Weaknesses No strong backup Too much of knowledge unavailable for the successful business operations No pre-established name in the business Opportunities Scope for broader horizons Employment and career opportunities for many(Andr Cavalcante, 2013) Chance to become successful entrepreneurs Threats Competition from established and already successful food giants Chances of not being accepted by the people Probability of shutting down Initially the food industry does not direct impact the environment. It should just be ensured that the food items provided to the customers are good quality and leave no scope for complaint. The sales functions meaning the advertisement should be taken care of (Eisenmann, Ries Dillard, 2012). Possible partnerships should be considered after the expansion of the company. The company should innovate well and this should lead to the enlargement as well as branching of the company. New avenues keeping up with the changing times should also be implemented in the company profile (Jones Penaluna, 2013). Thus it can be concluded that setting up of a company is a complex process and no specific factor can be identified as a formula for success. References: Andr Cavalcante, S. (2013). Understanding the impact of technology on firms business models.European Journal of Innovation Management,16(3), 285-300. Blank, S. (2012).The startup owner's manual: The step-by-step guide for building a great company. BookBaby. Brooks, G., Heffner, A., Henderson, D. (2014). A SWOT analysis of competitive knowledge from social media for a small start-up business.The Review of Business Information Systems (Online),18(1), 23. Cassar, G. (2014). Industry and startup experience on entrepreneur forecast performance in new firms.Journal of Business Venturing,29(1), 137-151. Cortimiglia, M. N., Ghezzi, A., Frank, A. G. (2016). Business model innovation and strategy making nexus: evidence from a cross?industry mixed?methods study.RD Management,46(3), 414-432. Eisenmann, T. R., Ries, E., Dillard, S. (2012). Hypothesis-driven entrepreneurship: The lean startup. Galbraith, J. R. (2014).Designing organizations: Strategy, structure, and process at the business unit and enterprise levels. John Wiley Sons. Hosseinzadeh, S., Van der Wee, M., Vlassenroot, S., Verbrugge, S. (2016). Using PEST as a framework for analyzing open mobility dataz. In11th ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) European Congress(pp. 1-10). Jones, C., Penaluna, A. (2013). Moving beyond the business plan in enterprise education.Education+ Training,55(8/9), 804-814. Jones, C., Penaluna, A., Matlay, H., Penaluna, K. (2013). The student business plan: useful or not?.Industry and Higher Education,27(6), 491-498. Kim, J. H., Wagman, L. (2014). Portfolio size and information disclosure: An analysis of startup accelerators.Journal of Corporate Finance,29, 520-534. Lakomaa, E., Kallberg, J. (2013). Open data as a foundation for innovation: The enabling effect of free public sector information for entrepreneurs.IEEE Access,1, 558-563. Lueg, R., Malinauskaite, L., Marinova, I. (2014). The vital role of business processes for a business model: the case of a startup company. Mller, R. M., Thoring, K. (2012). Design thinking vs. lean startup: A comparison of two user-driven innovation strategies.Leading Through Design,151. Sekaran, U., Bougie, R. (2016).Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley Sons.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
On Womens Right to Vote by Susan. B Anthony free essay sample
Susan. B Anthony- On womens right to vote In the 1800s, women in the United States had few legal rights and did not have the right to vote. This speech was given by Susan B. Anthony after her arrest for casting an illegal vote in the presidential election of 1872. She was tried and then fined $100 but refused to pay. I I I Friends and fellow citizens: I stand before you tonight under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not nly committed no crime, but, instead, simply exercised my citizens rights, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution, beyond the power of any state to deny. The preamble of the Federal Constitution says: We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. We will write a custom essay sample on On Womens Right to Vote by Susan. B Anthony or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people women as well as men. And it is a downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government the ballot. For any state to make sex a qualification that must ever result in the disfranchisement of one entire half of the people, is to pass a bill of attainder, or, an ex post facto law, and is therefore a violation of the supreme law of the land. By it the blessings of liberty are forever withheld from women and their female posterity. To them this government has no Just powers derived from the consent of the governed. To them this government is not a democracy. It is not a republic. It is an odious aristocracy; a hateful oligarchy of sex; the most hateful ristocracy ever established on the face of the globe; an oligarchy of wealth, where the rich govern the poor. An oligarchy of learning, where the educated govern the ignorant, or even an oligarchy of race, where the Saxon rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy of sex, which makes father, brothers, husband, sons, the oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters, of every household which ordains all men sovereigns, all women subjects, carries dissension, discord, and rebellion into every home of the nation. Webster, Worcester, and Bouvier all efine a citizen to be a person in the United States, entitled to vote and hold office. The only question left to be settled now is: Are women persons? And I hardly believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not. Being persons, then, women are citizens; and no state has a right to make any law, or to enforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities. Hence, every discrimination against women in the constitutions and laws of the several states is today null and void, precisely as is every one against Negroes. Susan B. Anthony 1873
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Pizza Hut Essays
Pizza Hut Essays Pizza Hut Paper Pizza Hut Paper Corporately known as Pizza Hut, Inc, it is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc. Pizza Hut, the first International Chain Restaurant in Bangladesh, opened its flagship restaurant in 2003 at Gulshan in Dhaka. From the day of its launching Pizza Hut remains the acknowledged leader of the Pizza Industry, evident from the continuous crowds the restaurant successfully draws in. Pizza Hut has over 15,000 outlets across 100 countries. Following its grand success in Dhaka, the Chittagong outlet was opened in September 2005 and later on in Cox’sbazar as well. Transcom Foods Limited (TFL) started its journey in 2003 as a franchisee of Pizza Hut, the first International Chain Restaurant in Bangladesh, and went on to sign the contract to become the franchisee of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in the year 2006. Both Pizza Hut and KFC are subsidiaries of the world’s largest restaurant company Yum! Restaurants International. In a span of ten years, TFL has opened 5 Pizza Hut and 11 KFC outlets so far throughout the country. Pizza Hut Franchise Information Initial Franchise Fee: $25,000 Total Investment: $1. 3M to $3M Net worth requirement: $1M Cash liquidity requirement: $360K Pay an annual 6. 5% royalty on your profit. Must commit to building at least 3 restaurants over 3 years Term of Franchise Agreement: 20 years Sources: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pizza_Hut pizzahut. com/ pizzahutfranchise. com/ startupbizhub. com/how-to-start-your-pizza-hut-franchising-business. htm startingfranchise. in/2012/11/Opening-Pizza-Hut-Franchi se-India. html Menu of Pizza Hut Item Name |Price(Taka) |Item Name |Price(Taka) | |Pizza 2person |940 |Mushroom |450 | |Pizza 4person |1750 |Chicken Mushroom |500 | |Pizza 6person |2320 |Shrimp Mushroom |500 | |Pasta 2person |1050 |Garlic Bread |130 | |Pasta 4person |2080 |Garlic Bread platter |280 | |Arabiatta |400 |Spicy Garlic Mushroom |380 | |Chicken Arabitta |450 |Garden salad |200 | |Hawaiian salad |220 |Red n hot |1150/1500 | |Pasta mint salad |300 |Latin spicy hot, chicken Italia |1300/1650 | |Garden salad |200 |Hawaiian salad |220 | |Salad bar |400 |Cheese lover, veggie lover |250-1200 | |Onion rings |220 |Creamy spinach mushroom |500 | |Shrimp cocktail |280 |Spicy garlic mushroom |380 | |Potato shell with filler |300 |Bolognaise with meatball |450 | |Spanish delight |1150/1500 |Beef lover, BBQ chicken |300-1350 | |Garlic bread platter |280 |Beef Arabiatta |450 | |Veggie supreme |300-1350 |Chicken exotica, spicy beef 300-1350 | |Rustica |300-1350 |Chicken classic |380-1700 | |Seafood symphony |380-1700 |Latin Spicy hot |380-1700 | More menus of Pizza Hut Beef LoverBBQ ChickenVeggie Lover Chicken Hawaiian Veggie SupremeChicken SupremeBeef Pepperoni Seafood Symphony Salads Breads Pasta [pic][pic] [pic][pic] [pic][pic] SWOT analysis of Pizza Hut Strengths: Innovative range of pizzas under one roof Part of the largest restaurant chain in the world Food attracts people of various ranges from young to old. Over 18,000 franchises around the world Pizza Hut sits on top of global full-service restaurant tree Quick home delivery services. Sound financial situation and international turnover. Hygienic food and quick service. Famous television advertising They are ISO(International Standard Organization) Certified Weaknesses: High price for every menu. Franchise management. Loyal customers are feeling that the satisfaction of the pizzas is declining. There are complex computer systems and internal conflicts from franchisees. There is a lack of an organic pizzas, which will limit the target market. They ar e providing less range of products comparatively with high prices. They are more focused on Western taste instead of Eastern and Asian. Obviously, Pizza Hut is not the low cost producer. They rely on their quality pizza and good service to account for their higher prices Rising competition undermines Pizza Hut as consumers go for greater convenience Rising cheese costs threaten margins Opportunities: New Pizzas with different crust sizes and flavours. Pizza Hut expands Indian market menu and looks to old favourite to bolster sales. Diversification of new products can increase their market shares. Venture more into home delivery. Pizza hut can come up with the new products considering taste of people as like McDonalds They can reduce their prices because of more resources. Threats: Threat from Dominos pizza, also from Mc Donald’s who have tried to introduce a new meal that is a Pizza called: McPizza. Other local restaurants can affect their market share by providing pizzas with lower price. Bird flu. Health conscious people. Social factors can affect their image as a Western organization. [pic] Type: Subsidiary Industry: Fast food restaurant Founded: 1930 in North Corbin, Kentucky (original) 1952 at 3900 South State St, Salt Lake City, Utah (franchise) Founder(s): Harland Sanders Headquarters:1441 Gardiner Lane, Louisville, Kentucky, United States (Operational Headquarters) 1209 North Orange St, Wilmington, Delaware, United States (Incorporation) Number of locations: 18,000 (2012) Key people: David C. Novak, Chairman and CEO of Yum! Brands Roger Eaton, Chairman and CEO of KFC Products: Fried chicken, chicken burgers (chicken sandwiches US), wraps, French fries, soft drinks, salads, desserts, breakfast Revenue: US$15 billion (2011) Parent Yum! Brands What made us great is still what makes us great. KFC Corporation, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the few brands in America that can boast a rich, decades-long history of success and innovation. It all started with one cook who created a soon-to-be world famous recipe more than 70 years ago, a list of secret herbs and spices scratched out on the back of the door to his kitchen. That cook was Colonel Harland Sanders of course, and now KFC is the worlds most popular chicken restaurant chain, specializing in that same Original Recipe, along with Extra Crispy chicken, home-style sides and buttermilk biscuits. There are more than 18,000 KFC outlets in 120 countries and territories around the world. Transcom Foods Limited (TFL) started its journey in 2003 as a franchisee of Pizza Hut, the first International Chain Restaurant in Bangladesh, and went on to sign the contract to become the franchisee of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in the year 2006. Both Pizza Hut and KFC are subsidiaries of the world’s largest restaurant company Yum! Restaurants International. In a span of ten years, TFL has opened 5 Pizza Hut and 11 KFC outlets so far throughout the country. KFC Franchise Information Initial Franchise Fee: $45,000 Total Investment: $1. 2M to $1. 8M Net Worth: $1. 5M to $2. 5M Liquid asset: $750,000 Royalty Fee: 5% Advertising Fee: (Local 2. 5% of gross revenues National Cooperative Advertising 4. 5% of gross revenues) Renewal Fee: $6,750 Term of Agreement: 20 years Sources: 1) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/KFC 2) kfc. com/about/ 3) kfcfranchise. com/faqs-qsr-restaurant. hp 4) thefranchisemall. com/franchises/details/10004-0-kfc. htm 5) franchisedirect. com/foodfranchises/kfc-franchise-07095/ufoc/ Menu of KFC |Item Name |Price(Taka) |Item Name |Price(Taka) | |Chicken Snacker |100 |Potato Wedges |125 | |Chicken Snacker box |170 |Chicken rice meal |190 | |Strips Snack |190 Spicy Thai Chicken rice |300 | |Snac k Box (1pic chicken Fries) |170 |Hot Zinger meal |375/395 | |Popcorn Chicken |160 |Zinger meal |370/390 | |Boneless chicken strips |200/395 |Curry crunch chicken |290/575/1145/1700 | |Hot wings |150/290 |2pcs chicken fries meal |350 | |Bucket meal |2350 |Krushers |140/170/180/190/200 | |Bucket Hot crispy |830/1250 |Desserts |80-150 | |Hot zinger |250 |Veggie zinger |210 | |Mixed rice |85 |Chicken zinger |240 | |Combo 1/2/3/4/5 |250/300/600/1200/999 |Burgers |240/250/210 | |Sides |30-125 |Packaged water |80-90 | |tea |50 |Coffee |60 | More menus of KFC: KrushersSoft DrinkGame Box Chicken BucketBox masterChicken Thali Veg FingerColeslawFriesSnack Box Corn on the cobSundae Soft Twirl Zing KongSnacker(chicken veggie)Brownie Sundae SWOT analysis of KFC Strengths: Second best global brand in fast food industry in terms of value ($ 6 billion) KFC customer base remained loyal to the KFC brand because of its unique taste. World’s largest restaurant company in terms of system re staurants. Chicken made with the same secret blend of 11 Ranks(herbs and spices highest among all chicken restaurant chains for its convenience. Menu variety and strong trademarks recipes. KFC has continued to dominate the dinner and take out segment of the Industry. Existing in the local market for years, therefore, knowing people’s tastes and whims. They are ISO (International Standard Organization) certified. Weaknesses: Losing market share as other Chicken chain increased sales at a faster rate. Lack of knowledge about their customers. Question of over franchising leads to loss of control and quality. Lack of focus on RD. Unhealthy food menu High employee turnover Lack of strong marketing efforts The company has entered so many markets in the past in the United States that its growth rate was about only one percent an year. The company is said to not to pay attention to its resource and development. Opportunities: Introducing new products to its only chicke n range. Introducing new services and technologies. Increasing demand for healthier food. With more investments the company can definitely make its position stronger in the food industry Home meal delivery. Employment opportunities for part time seeker especially for university goings.   Focusing on more nutrition’s. Threats: Bird flu Saturated fast food markets in the developed economies. Trend towards healthy eating. Local fast food restaurant chains. Government regulations. Change in tastes. Currency fluctuations. Lawsuits against KFC. [pic] Type: Public Traded as: SET: CPF Industry: Food and Beverage Founded: January 17, 1978 Headquarters: Bangkok, Thailand Key People: Adirek Sriratak, ( President CEO) Products: Animal Feed, Animal Breeder, Meat and Food Parent: Charoen Pokphand Group Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited is Thailands largest agribusiness firm. It is a publicly traded subsidiary of the Charoen Pokphand Group. Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CPF), a company of the CP Group, is the leading agro-industrial and food conglomerate in Thailand. The greater part of the Company production bases is in Thailand with some operating overseas. The Company’s core business lines are livestock and aquaculture. The livestock operations include chicken broiler, chicken layer, duck and swine. For aquaculture business, the two main marine animals are shrimp and fish. C. P. Bangladesh Company Ltd. is a sister concern of C. P. Group Thailand. C. P. Bangladesh Co. , Ltd. s incorporated in Bangladesh on 14th January 1999 doing business in the Agricultural industry, Poultry sector. Though C. P. Bangladesh Co. , Ltd is not in Bangladesh many years, but in this shorter period it has established its own Feed mills, Breeder Farm, Hatcheries, G. P. farm, fish feed mill all over the country. C. P. Bangladesh Co. , Ltd has established with a vision â€Å"To be a leader in Agro-business industry in Bangladesh†and each day it is getting closer to its vision. C. P. Bangladesh Co. , Ltd now produce Poultry feed (both layer and broiler), breeder feed, fish feed and cattle feed, and also animal health medicine. [pic] C. P. Bangladesh Co. Ltd. is a sister concern of C. P. Group Thailand. C. P. Bangladesh Co. Ltd. is incorporated in Bangladesh on 14th January 1999 doing business in the Agricultural industry, Poultry sector. Though C. P. Bangladesh Co. Ltd. is not in Bangladesh many years, but in this shorter period it has established its own Feed mills, Breeder Farm, Hatcheries, G. P. farm, fish feed mill all over the country. They direct invested in Bangladesh by giving the tax to government (Ministry of commerce) without any licensing and franchising. They have established a production factory house in â€Å"Hemayetpur†and supply the materials for the fried chicken in the different branch in Dhaka and Chittagong. C. P. Bangladesh Company Limited was established since 1998 under operation in Agro-Industrial and Food Business by dedication of providing high quality of animal feed mill, farming operation and also processing tasteful, nutritional and hygienic food products under branding of ‘‘FIVE STAR CHICKEN’’ that deliver to all customers in Bangladesh. It Started on April 7, 2008 with a mission- â€Å"Kitchen of Bangladesh. In Bangladesh they have started their fried chicken business through licensing with an amount of TK 250,000. Currently they are operating their fried chicken business across Bangladesh with their 201 branches among them 104 branches are in Dhaka. The Charoen Pokphand Group is the largest business conglomerate in Thailand. Its largest subsidiary is Charoen Pokphand Foods, which achieved 116. 5 billion baht in revenue in 2005, earning a profit of 6. 747 billion baht. Apart from agribusiness, the family-owned conglomerates interests range from retailing, as the franchisee of Thailands 7-Eleven stores, to telecommunications, as the owner of True Corporation, a mobile telephone service provider, Internet service provider, and cable television company. CP Subsidiaries also include PRC registered Super Brand Mall Lotus center chain. The company has grown into a global business, with more than 250 subsidiaries in 20 countries, including China, where it is known as the Chia Tai Group. CP fried chicken’s methodologies of the business in Bangladesh are as follows: This is a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Operating as a licensing company in Bangladesh. Initial licensing Fee: TK 250,000 Renewal Fees: Not disclosed. Sources: 1) cpfworldwide. com 2) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Charoen_Pokphand_Foods 3) From Street corner retailers. Menu of CP fried chicken Item Name |Price (Tk) |Item Name |Price (Tk) | |Jumbo set |790 |Wing |60 | |Party set | 460 |Happy hot Dog |60 | |Breast |115 |Masala chicken |55 | |Thigh |90 |Spicy chicken |50 | |Leg |60 |Chicken ball |25 | |Chicken sausage |25 |Hot wings |25 | SWOT analysis of CP fried chicken Strengths: Low price compare to KFC Pizza Hut in Bangladesh. More branches than KFC Pizza Hut in Bangladesh. More convenience than KFC Pizza Hut in Bangladesh Horizontal raw material sources in Bangladesh. Sound financial situation and international turnover. Food attracts people of various ranges from young to old. Existing in the local market for years, therefore, knowing people’s tastes and whims. Weakness: Don’t have exclusive decorations compare to pizza Hut KFC. Loyal customers are feeling that the satisfaction of the pizzas is declining. Lack of monitoring controlling system. Lack of focus on RD. Lack of strong marketing efforts. Lack of knowledge about their customers. Lack of menu varieties. Opportunities: They can reduce their prices because of their h orizontal sources of raw materials. With more investments the company can definitely make its position stronger in the food industry Home meal delivery. They can attract more people with their consisting lower prices. Threats: Bird flu. Health conscious people. Local fast food restaurant chains. Government regulations. They need have more product offerings compare to KFC Pizza Hut Their services should be improved. Franchising Franchising is the practice of using another firms successful business model. The word franchise is of Anglo-French derivation from franc meaning free, and is used both as a noun and as a (transitive) verb. For the franchisor, the franchise is an alternative to building chain stores to distribute goods that avoids the investments and liability of a chain. The franchisors success depends on the success of the franchisees. The franchisee is said to have a greater incentive than a direct employee because he or she has a direct stake in the business. Essentially, and in terms of distribution, the franchisor is a supplier who allows an operator, or a franchisee, to use the suppliers trademark and distribute the suppliers goods. In return, the operator pays the supplier a fee. Thirty three countries, including the United States, and Australia, have laws that explicitly regulate franchising, with the majority of all other countries having laws which have a direct or indirect impact on franchising. Foreign Direct Investment 🙠FDI) According to the International Monetary Fund, foreign direct investment, commonly known as FDI, refers to an investment made to acquire lasting or long-term interest in enterprises operating outside of the economy of the investor. The investment is direct because the investor, which could be a foreign person, company or group of entities, is seeking to control, manage, or have significant influence over the foreign enterprise. Licensing: Licensing is the process of leasing a legally protected (that is, trademarked or copyrighted) entity – a name, likeness, logo, trademark, graphic design, slogan, signature, character, or a combination of several of these elements. The entity, known as the property or intellectual property, is then used in conjunction with a product. Many major companies and the media consider licensing a significant marketing tool. Interpretations of our analysis Yummy! Let’s go for Pizza Hut or KFC or CP. Yes, these words are becoming very common for city people in Bangladesh. What more can somebody ask for! In the context of Bangladesh, whenever we talk about party or to hang around with friends or families in many cases Pizza Hut or KFC or CP gets priority among all other choices we have. Though their food items are little bit more expensive than our traditional foods, but still we love it. This time we are not having any of their food items, we are just going to have an analysis of these three companies. For the purpose of our analysis, we had to gather information’s both from the primary and secondary sources. Collecting information’s from the secondary sources were easy compare to primary sources. While we went to collect raw data from the primary sources, we found the managers of those restaurants very uncomfortable of sharing any information’s and that made our journey very difficult. After being refused from them, we went to their corporate offices but still got denied. Since we had to complete our analysis, somehow we did manage some of the information’s about these companies and which we believe can be helpful for concluding our analysis. From the information’s we have found, both Pizza Hut KFC were originated from U. S. A, and currently Transcom Foods Limited (TFL) had brought both Pizza Hut KFC into Bangladesh though franchising and off-course with the help of world’s largest restaurant company named â€Å"Yum! Restaurants International†It’s kind of revolution for the food industry in our country. Transcom Foods Limited (TFL) started its journey in 2003 as a franchisee of Pizza Hut, the first International Chain Restaurant in Bangladesh, and went on to sign the contract to become the franchisee of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in the year 2006. In a span of ten years, TFL has opened 5 Pizza Hut and 11 KFC outlets so far throughout the country. Very surprisingly their popularity is increasing in our country da y by day even though their product offerings are different. The way they are dominating the world’s restaurant industry through their product and service offerings, similarly they are dominating in our country as well. Most of the time, they are trying to reach the higher income people. Whereas CP (Charoen Pokphand) is another food company which has targeted all classes of people in our country. Basically CP has originated from Thailand and started it’s business in our country as an agro based industry. But later on, in the year of 2008, they had expanded their business in food industry through licensing. In Bangladesh they have started their fried chicken business through licensing with an amount of TK 250,000. Currently they are operating their fried chicken business across Bangladesh with their 201 branches among them 104 branches are in Dhaka. Even though they are having more branches compare to Pizza Hut KFC, but their product offerings and service quality especially, their locations and the environments are not that good like Pizza Hut KFC. Their internal and external decoration is also different and looks less exclusive than Pizza Hut KFC. But CP’s food prices are way cheaper than Pizza Hut KFC. Moreover, CP’s initial investments and expenses are less than Pizza Hut KFC. From the above mentioned analysis, we can say that, both Pizza Hut KFC are fulfilling peoples demand by assuring their product service qualities as well as environments whereas, CP is not covering any of those issues rather they are more focusing on cheaper product price. Price Comparison with other countries: |Item Name |Bangladesh |India |U. S. A | |KFC 8 pcs Bucket |Tk 830. 00 |Rs 350. 00 |$ 10. 9 | | | |350*1. 25=Tk 437. 5 |10. 99*76. 54=Tk 841. 17 | |KFC 12 pcs Bucket |Tk 1,250. 00 |Rs 500. 00 |$ 16. 49 | | | |500*1. 25=Tk 625. 00 |16. 49*76. 54=Tk 1,262. 14 | |Pizza Hut |Tk 460. 00 |Rs 315. 00 |$ 7 | |Classic Margherita(M) | |315*1. 25= Tk 393. 75 |7*76. 54= Tk 535. 8 | |Pizza Hut |Tk 1200. 00 |Rs 490. 00 |$ 11. 99 | |Veggie Lovers | |490*1. 25= Tk 612. 5 |11. 99*76. 54= Tk 917. 71 | |CP |Tk 790. 00 |Rs 290. 00 | | |Jumbo Set | |290*1. 25= Tk 362. 5 | | Comparative analysis of these three com panies: Company Franchising Cost |Licensing Cost |Initial Investment |Location |Loyalty |Popularity |Product Price |Service |Customer Level | |Pizza Hut | High |N/A |Very High |Moderate |Very High |High |Very High |Excellent |High upper middle | |KFC |Very High |N/A |Very High |Moderate |Very High |Very High |High |Excellent |High, upper middle middle | |CP |N/A |Low |Moderate |Excellent |Moderate |Moderate |Moderate |Low |Middle low | | Company |Product quality |Product Variety |Product offerings |Availability |Home delivery |Inspection |Environment |Customer Satisfaction | |Pizza Hut |Excellent |Various |Active |Very Few |Yes |Frequent |Excellent |Very Good | |KFC |Excellent |Various |Very active |Few |Yes |Frequent |Excellent |Very good | |CP |Good |Limited |Stable |Available |N/A |Les Frequent |Moderate |Good | |
Friday, November 22, 2019
How To Pass Your NCLEX-RN Exam
How To Pass Your NCLEX-RN Exam Nursing school is hard. And the stress of passing your â€Å"boards,†or the NCLEX exam, is intense. Not to mention that the test itself is expensive, at $300 or more per shot. This comprehensive test for professional licensure is difficult- and is required to enter a career as an RN or LPN. Instead of stressing, which will be counterproductive, here are some strategies to help you pass.1. Relax- you’ve got this.You just finished nursing school, which was was hard enough. The material you covered on your school exams will be harder than about 70% of what you’ll encounter on the NCLEX- really. If you put in the time throughout your studies, you should be well on your way to a passing score.2. Understand that you can’t cram.Don’t even bother taking the test if you can’t budget yourself some time before to study. Get yourself an NCLEX Review Study Guide book, join a study group, take review quizzes and practice tests. Pay special attention to areas you had trouble with in nursing school. There are a ton of great products available online (NRSNG.com, the Medmaster course, the Lab Values course, the Cardiac Essentials course, Picmonic, Brilliant Nurse, Board Vitals, RNQuiz.com, and Kaplan’s nursing materials are a few to check out).3. Use your phone/tablet to its advantage.There are a ton of apps that you can use to study and prepare while on the go. Try NCLEX Mastery, NCLEX PREP, ATI RN Mentor- NCLEX Exam Preparation, UWORLD Qbank, RN Crush!, and the NCLEX ® Prep App. There are also lots of practice question resources out there, from NRSNG, GraduateX, Lippincott, and BoardVitals.4. Don’t overstudy.Once you’ve got something down, move on. Do general review from time to time to keep older material fresh. But put the books down the night before the test. Get a good night’s sleep, and don’t crack the books open again on test day. Just trust your gut and your preparation will get you th rough.5. Don’t second guess yourself.The computer adaptive testing module (CAT) is predictive, giving you questions at different levels based on your correct or incorrect answer to the previous question. Don’t freak out about the level of your next question. Just focus on getting the right answer. Don’t try to overthink what the system is giving you.6. Know that you’re ready and able to ace this thing.Don’t go into the test thinking it’s an obstacle. Instead, use it as an opportunity to show the world what you’ve learned. Ace it!7. Practice active studying.Rather than just copying notes or reading through texts, rewrite those notes and texts in your own words. Take practice tests. Really stretch yourself to make sure the information sticks.8. Memorize where you have to.On the NCLEX-RON, you’ll mostly you’ll need to engage your best critical thinking skills. But there are a few things you’ll have to have memoriz ed cold. Get started on these early: disease symptoms, normal lab values, and drug side effects.9. Come prepared and relaxed.Show up early, in comfortable clothing, with all the things you’ll need to take the test: your ID, a snack, a water bottle. Make sure you aren’t chewing gum, and plan to leave your bag and electronics outside the testing room. Make sure you’ve eaten and rested and are mentally prepared.10. Stay cool.Try first to visualize the situation. Let your muscle memory help you get the answer. Next, eliminate all the answers you know to be false. Then take a deep breath, and go with your gut.Remember to prepare and believe in yourself. You’ve got this!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Policing functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Policing functions - Essay Example The local agencies are thereby encouraged to relate well with the people in their society. A better communication will lead to understanding among the people and the policing agencies. Most of their work includes stopping the planned happenings and attacks to which might affect the government like bomb attack and they are also involved in investigating on certain happening from the base. The state agency work in hand with the local agency and are used to handle state criminal investigations and also the state highways traffic laws. It provides law enforcement in regions that do not have the county representation. The Federal agency is used for private investigation and has agencies oversees includes the Federal bureau of Investigation, Bureau of prisons among others and they are also not considered as the national police force. These are mainly used for investigative purposes like finding the allegations of Terrorist attacks and also used in maintaining law and order. The Community p olicing The community policing put in place in the development of the community regarding their issues. This was not adopted well as some thought that it was put in order for people to put up their personal issues. The community policing main impact is to assist each person in the different units. Its impact would be able to solve the community’s problems at a fundamental level making it easier for everyone instead of it being complicated at the higher level. The police were to interact with the community in which theorists and practitioners stated about the six big stakeholders the media being inclusive (International Association of Fire Chiefs, 2010). The citizens had complaints on the police practices in which the community wanted the police to be open and also be more transparent. They wanted transparency in accessing public entities like in the healthcare and education among others. This led to the formation of accrediting agencies like the Commission on Accreditation fo r law Enforcement Agencies which enabled the media to take part in the effective, ethical communications in the public and can be seen to lead to a better coordination among the people in the society. The Changing Media Media is one way of making everything being transparent and by the media being involved in the administrative works that is by the local, state and also federal, there will be a flow of activities and also crimes will be minimized. Corruption is experienced in different fields making it difficult for the laws to be reinforced from the fundamental units. This is because the administration units have a hierarchy from the local place where they are headed by the Sheriffs to the higher positions in the system. Law Enforcement in the Organizational culture Each and every place has a unique culture in its place of work depending on different law enforcement organizations. Some places are very strict in implementing law and order while other places the police administration is reluctant as their administrative power is not keen or is ignorant. From this we see that incidents like terrorists attack can be hard to change as it depends with different people with their own culture. It is difficult for people to adopting other cultures from what they used to and this policy will take time before it can be implemented fully by everyone. This can be seen by the federal law responded slowly to the methamphetamine epidemic as they had not experienced this
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Fitness Proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Fitness Proposal - Research Paper Example The concept of nutrition is not just limited to the products we intake, but the entire process involved which involves metabolism and catabolism at the same time. In a broader sense it involves the entire digestive system of human body. Nutrients come in a wide variety and the proteins, vitamins; minerals encompass the circle of nutrients. They are required in certain amount for ensuring the proper working of human body. While proteins and carbohydrates provide energy, vitamins are multi functional in nature and at times they are source of energy, at others they provide protection against diseases and help in healing processes in the body. Excessive fats are enemy to the human body and not only do they obstruct the mechanism of proper working of different components of the body ,they additionally pose threat in form of severe malfunctions which may result from deficiencies of several nutrients that are required by the body. The cholesterols result in an underlying surface of fats which hinder the proper working of the nutrients and other natural foods. Supplements are quite common in practice for purpose of maintaining fitness and health. They are more commonly in use in areas of athletics and other activities where physical labor is desired. For long their use, and subsequent reaction and impact on the body has been questioned. Many researchers have conducted intensive research in this area to determine the possible downsides of supplements. However from a rational study and analysis of the entire study, it can be deduced that supplements are not solely bad, the manner in which they are used, determines its use and abuse. Many a times, body suffers due to stress induced. It occurs because of the lack of knowledge on behalf of athletes. The human body consists of areas that are relatively stronger, and those that require specific consideration while exposing them to direct training
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Shakespeares Hamlet Essay Example for Free
Shakespeares Hamlet Essay One of the challenging aspects about transforming a play like Shakespeares Hamlet into a film which preserves the brilliance and depth of the play as it is written is the issue of the plays minor characters. For example, in Franco Zeffirellis Hamlet (1990) which starts Mel Gibson in the lead-role, s direct emphasis on the character of Hamlet is pursued by the director and facilitated by the script. Many of the contemporary reviews of the film also focused on the lead-actor with the inference that Gibsons performance in the role of Hamlet would either make or break him as a serious actor. Reviewers were also quick to point out that Zeffirellis version of Hamlet was clearly made for a mass audience (Erskine, Welsh, Tibbetts, and Williams 142) and, as such, the movie is therefore understood to have created lowered expectations on its original release. The verdict on Gibsons portrayal of Hamlet was mostly-positive with reviewers more or less agreeing that Gibson was quite good as the prince and is certainly capable of doing justice to the lines (Erskine, Welsh, Tibbetts, and Williams 142). Also of note was the fact that Gibsons performance [was] energetic and well modulated (Erskine, Welsh, Tibbetts, and Williams 142). The end-result of promoting the central character of Hamlet and lowering expectations for the film was that the film was by and large accepted by reviewers as a success. The problem with this appraisal of the film is that it leaves out certain very important points regarding the films neglect of the sub-plots and minor characters of Shakespeares original play. Even though Hamlet is widely loved for the lines of its main character, the play offers minor characters who play crucial roles not only in terms of the plot and thematic development of the play but with regard to the plays dramatic structure and technical structure. For example, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern help to forward crucial plot developments, but they also enable the plays ironic ending. In most cases, with film-versions of Hamlet, the issue of the minor characters, and particularly the portrayal of the character, Horatio, is very difficult because both Hamlet and Horatio are characters who were conspicuously written for the stage and each functions in Shakespeares play not only as characters but as theatrical and narrative devices which may not be translatable to film. In order to more fully understand these qualities which are missing from the Mel Gibson Hamlet, it is useful to revisit the role of Horatio in the original play. Keeping in mind that Zeffirellis method was to close in rather than open up the play, (Erskine, Welsh, Tibbetts, and Williams 141) and that he makes no attempt to conceal the fact that this is a film of a play and lets the play speak for itself (Erskine, Welsh, Tibbetts, and Williams 141), the missing elements of the plays supporting cast is a huge negative for the final film. The formality of Hamlets technical structure is an important element of the play and Horatio, who is described as Friend to Hamlet, functions, essentially, the plays narrator, interpreting conflict and action for the audience. Horatios role is obvious in plays beginning when he remarks to Marcellus: A piece of him. This remark is Horatios ironic confession that he functions not only as a person in the play, but as a technical device. Horatios line is followed by Marcellus statement that Horatio .. says tis but our fantasy,/ And will not let belief take hold of him (Act I, Scene 1). This line elevates Horatios credibility with the audience who, also, are likely to be initially skeptical of the presence of the ghost of Hamlets father. From the beginning of the play it is clear that Horatio is meant to serve as the plays interpreter and his relationship with the audience is established quickly. Horatios role as narrator continues through the whole play. An example of Horatios versatility (from a technical point of view) is his role in Hamlets Dram of Eale speech in Act 1, Scene 4. Here, Horatio speaks few lines, but helps to give a rhetorical provocation for Hamlets intricate and poetically dense speech. He functions as a target for Hamlets speech which is meant, obviously, to be directed at Claudius and perhaps to Hamlet himself, and to the world. Not only is Horatios role as a narrative device enhanced in this famous scene, but a subtle elevation of his character development is evident in the way Shakespeare tacitly demonstrates Horatios friendship with and devotion to Hamlet. The example of Horatio is meant to show just a glimpse of the subtlety of expression which was lost in the Mel Gibson Hamlet, precisely because so much emphasis was placed on the lead-role. In fact, Hamlet, the character as written by Shakespeare can only be fully understood by his relationship top the minor characters and the film is totally lacking in this respect. The movie, by placing far too much emphasis on the lead actor and the plays lead character becomes one-dimensional despite fine performances from the cast. Although Mel Gibson is a strong, believable, and passionate Hamlet, the play is not granted the same depth and detail as is evident ion the original work by Shakespeare. Another example of a film-version of Hamlet which misses the brilliance and depth of the original play, but which is till a very well-made film, is Kenneth Branaghs Hamlet which as one critic mentioned, is far too long and abstract. Most film-goers would probably be put off by the critic who said Maybe if moviegoers got free T-shirts saying Ive survived Hamlet, it would boost the box office (JUST BARD TIMING? THAT 5) but this charge is a good charge against the movie because rather than embracing the intense, always-moving-forward sense of energy which is in Shakespeares Hamlet, Branagh chooses to create a more meandering, epic feeling to the story. Just as the lapse in the portrayal of the minor characters in the Mel Gibson Hamlet detracted from the cohesiveness of the film, the off-pace of Branaghs movie helps to impede the experience of Shakespeares masterpiece rather than facilitate it. Because a sense of time rushing by fast, furious, chaotic, and lethal pervades the play, Hamlet, and because events in the play as written by Shakespeare have an urgent (if fated) energy about them, the slow pace of Branaghs film is a bad-match for the central themes and emotion of Hamlet the play. This sense that the Branagh version completely missed the sense of pace for the story is evident in critical reviews which remarked that If only they could have kept the proceedings to two and a half hours, this would have been a must-see masterpiece (JUST BARD TIMING? THAT 5). That opinion is a shame because in many ways Branagh did seem to capture the spirit and themes of Hamlet very well. Despite the well-meaning and very creative approaches of both of the directors discussed above, I would agree with the critical responses which praise the actors involved in the films but slight the directors and screenwriters a little for not managing to successfully capture the wholeness of Hamlet. In one case, the director seemed too preoccupied with delivering a slid lead-performance and elevating the performances of the actors at the expense of the emotional and dynamic interrelationships between the characters in the original plat. In the second film, Branaghs version, a misplaced sense of plot-pace and mood helped to disrupt the essential emotional flow of the original play. In the latter case, the mistake is far more devastating, I think, because the whole emotional energy of the original play Hamlet rests on the feeling that life and events speed out of control, in chaos, and go by so fast one cant grasp them. A slow pace doesnt fit. In the case of Mel Gibson, his performance in Hamlet is so strong that the film is a success even if it does not actually preserve the depth and originality of the play, which was, of course, drawn itself from other versions of Hamlet and caused some degree of controversy when Shakespeare originally produced it for the Elizabethans. Works Cited Erskine, Thomas L. , James M. Welsh, John C. Tibbetts, and Tony Williams, eds. Video Versions: Film Adaptations of Plays on Video. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000. JUST BARD TIMING? THAT IS THE QUESTION; Hamlet. The Mirror (London, England) 13 Feb. 1997: 5.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
trip to japan Essay -- essays research papers
There is a great deal of planning that goes into booking a vacation in a foreign country. Passports have to be taken care of, flights have to be scheduled, and accommodations have to be arranged for when the flight arrives. Also, it is important that some entertaining sites have been chosen ahead of time that would be nice to visit. By doing this, it will make the trip much easier to manage and much more enjoyable. Vacationing in a foreign country can be a great experience for family and friends, but it is important that travel arrangements, accommodations, and entertainment options are researched thoroughly before going.      Japan is where the vacation will take place, but before that can happen, some travel arrangements will have to be made. Before departing from home, every person must have a passport. A valid U.S. passport is required to enter and leave most foreign countries (â€Å"U.S. Department of State†). Acceptance facilities include courts, post offices, and some public libraries. There are also 13 regional passport agencies which require appointments. According to the U.S. Department of State:           To obtain a passport for the first time, you need to go in person to one of 6,000 passport acceptance facilities located throughout the United States with two photographs of yourself, proof of U.S. citizenship, and a valid form of photo identification such as a driver’s license. The closest pl...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Human Relations Movement Essay
In the first twenty-five years of 20th century owners and managers assumed that people came to work primarily because of economic needs which led to the development of classical management supported by Taylor and then to the scientific management of Fayol. However, by the 1930s, it has become a certainty, on the basis of research, that people have other needs primarily related not to financial fulfillment but to personal involvement. Since then, there were a lot of theorists that tried to explain what was that triggered and sustained human behaviour. As a result, the research of these â€Å"behavioural scientists†(kreitner 1999) became to what today is called the human relations movement. This study will be demonstrating the need for human relations movement and also if it has completely replaced classical and scientific management. (131) Before the human relations movement, companies were looking for a way to grow their profit by increasing the productivity and efficiency of the workers. The first and most important model user of the scientific method was F.W.Taylor. As an experienced worker, Taylor focused on the design of the manual tasks (David Buchanan, 1997) by rationalizing and standardizing production techniques. Taylor, in the words of Aitken, ‘was the first to synthesize and systemize the best that was known about the management of men’. (80) This researcher’s primary interest was the individual worker that was motivated by financial incentives. Although the planning, organizing and leading the worker’s tasks increased productivity and profit, when it came to methodology of people Taylor showed no concern. It is true that financial incentives kept workers motivated for a while but the closely controlled conditions of work which promoted a militaristic and mechanistic organization (Buchanan) led to a low employee morale. (70) Apart from Taylor, H. Fayol also analyzed the complexity of organizations . This theorist viewed organizations as akin to living organisms, possessing a life of their own and requiring the maintenance of harmony in order to function satisfactorily. As a result, he developed 14 principles designed to facilitate discipline and high productivity in a company. One of Fayol ’s principles was ‘Division of work’ which directed workers in completing certain tasks; other one was ‘Unity of direction’ which meant that all people in the organization had common goals such as making profit. Indeed, this code of principles is indispensable in organizations and seem to be of the utmost importance in the achievement of an effective organization. (113) However, the major disadvantage of both Fayol and Taylor’s ideas was the lack of concern with the interaction between people. Both theorists aimed to analyze and control the activities of people but did not include the employee in the decision-making processes of the organization. Also, these methods neglected the importance of other rewards apart from financial incentives such as job satisfaction, recognition between team-workers and personal achievement. As a result, the human relations movement needed to appear. (77) The notions of human relations movement and the social person, which gathered momentum through the 1950s, took shape in relation to the work of Elton Mayo. The theorist conducted the Hawthorne experiments which concerned the effects of scientific management on the worker in terms of absenteeism and fatigue (Cole). Therefore, Mayo did not exclude scientific management but wanted to help in improving the method. The experiment involved observing a group of six women in their workplace. Although there was some obvious criticism about the outcome of the research carried in five stages, the Hawthorne studies provided some important conclusions that contributed to a better understanding of human behaviour in organizations. (108) Probably the most important conclusion of the Hawthorne studies was that social relationships are at least as important as financial incentives and working conditions. Moreover, Mayo came to the conclusion that the person’s individual needs, supportive supervisors and team work had a powerful impact on job performance. Therefore, scientific management was not denied as an efficient method for the company but was questioned when it came to the social effects. (70) The Hawthorne studies were not considered important only for the conclusions provided but also for opening a path for other theorists who also focused on this approach. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, McGregor’s theory X and Y and Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory brought to managers’ attention the important roles played by individuals in determining the success or failure of an organization. Moreover, Mary Parker Follett who was not only a woman management consultant (kreitner) but also a writer saw employees as complex combinations of attitudes, beliefs and needs. (85) The human relations movement began to expand in time and organizations started to understand the vital importance of groups and social relationships at work and managers began to attend to employees emotional needs. Therefore, the working conditions were improved and workers received recognition as a distinct human being. Social researchers and managers also created new techniques intended to improve employees motivation: job enrichment, employee of the month awards, self-managing teams, incentives and corporate entertainment programmes. (73) In the new millennium, scientific management is still alive and plays an important role by offering companies a way of meeting their technical, economic and social objectives.(Buchanan) Assembly line si today examples
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Discriminate Against Race
AbstractThe issues of race and gender, and more precisely the issues of equal rights for everyone regardless of race and gender, continue to be controversial and never fully addressed. While programs like Affirmative Action have tried to provide equal opportunity, they have failed because of one main issue- if it is injustice to discriminate against racial minorities and women on the account of their race or sex, then it similarly unjust to give them preference for the same reason.This essay will prove this statement by showing specific examples of how preferential treatment increases rather than decreases the importance of race and gender in American society. Basically, there are three main reasons why preferential treatment makes racial and gender differences important instead of eliminating them. First, preferential treatment gives the appearance that minority genders or races are inferior and need to be given advantage not on their merit or ability, but on their membership in a c ertain group (Cohen & Sterba, 2003), actually putting them at a bigger disadvantage.Second, there is the issue of reverse discrimination, which basically means that by giving advantage to the minority, the majority is discriminated against in the long run. Lastly, the provision of programs like Affirmative Action and others create divisions between minority groups themselves, as each group vies for advantage over the others, which puts the minorities with the smallest numbers at the biggest disadvantage, as their voice cannot be heard clearly enough.Perhaps the bottom line in racial/gender discrimination, ironically enough, is that true equality can probably never be realized, for one group will always come up with less than another if a program exists to provide advantages which are not strictly merit based. In closing, it is fair to say that until a â€Å"magic bullet†is developed for true equality, the scales will always be askew.  References Cohen, C., & Sterba, J. P. (2003). Affirmative Action and Racial Preference: A Debate. New York: Oxford University Press.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Social Justice essays
Social Justice essays In this section, we studied Doing Faithjustice by Fred Kammer, S.J. Through this article, we have learned the definition of justice as well as how to approach injustice as a Catholic Christian. Kammer explains that our world is inevitable structured in order to attempt to make life easier. However, sometimes these structures are organized in such a way that people are hurt (physically, economically, emotionally, etc.). Working for justice, he says, is formulating a plan to reform or remove these structures, and then executing this plan. Our previous studies of the Gospel of Luke explain to us the extent to which we should work at achieving this justice. Jesus devoted his life to the reform of the immoral aspects of his society, and expects us to do them same, despite any hardships. Jesus said, You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers...You will be hated by all because of my name... Based on our studies of both the Gospel according to Luke and Fred Kammers Doing Faithjustice, we can narrow the Catholic Christian definition of justice into a concise statement. Justice is, upon the analysis of our society, the correction of the structures (people, places, processes) deemed immoral. According to Kammer, this correction must be achieved through a structured as well as personal response to the systems that are not working well. The Gospel according to Luke teaches the importance of this response action through the example of Jesus. Through the integration of our knowledge and our faith as our inspiration, we are called to act against any opposition to our definition of justice. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definitions and Glosses
Definitions and Glosses Definitions and Glosses Definitions and Glosses By Mark Nichol A definition is a phrase or sentence (or more) that explains the meaning of a term, and a gloss is a brief definition offered parenthetically after the term. This post includes examples of sentences in which definitions and glosses are erroneously presented. Discussion after each sentence explains the error, and a revision demonstrates the correct treatment. 1. The term uncertainty is defined as not knowing how or if potential events may manifest themselves in the context of achieving future objectives and business strategies. Enclose explicit definitions (those preceded by means, â€Å"is defined as,†and the like) in quotation marks to signal that the definition is the exact wording from another source: â€Å"The term uncertainty is defined as ‘not knowing how or if potential events may manifest themselves in the context of achieving future objectives and business strategies.’†2. The organization defines â€Å"relevant information†as information that facilitates informed decision-making. This sentence is constructed differently from the previous example, but the rule is the same: â€Å"The organization defines ‘relevant information’ as ‘information that facilitates informed decision-making.’†(In this case, because the term consists of more than one word, it is enclosed in quotation marks as well, rather than italicized.) However, if a definition follows is or another form of â€Å"to be,†do not set it off in quotation marks: â€Å"Relevant information is information that facilitates informed decision-making.†Note, too, that in this sentence, â€Å"relevant information†is treated as the thing itself, not the term for the thing, so the phrase is not set off with quotation marks. However, in some sentence constructions, the word or phrase may be emphasized because it is a reference to the term itself, and not the concept, while the definition is not treated as a quotation; see, for example, â€Å"‘Relevant information’ refers to information that facilitates informed decision-making.†3. Administrative adjudication is one of several methods the agency may use to enforce compliance with federal consumer financial laws; it refers to the process by which an administrative agency engages in an adversarial proceeding with a supervised party. â€Å"Administrative adjudication†is referred to here as a concept, but â€Å"it refers to†implies that the reference is to the phrase for the concept, like relevant information in the parenthetical example in the discussion above. (Also, compare â€Å"A pencil is a writing instrument†and â€Å"Pencil denotes a writing instrument.†) It is equivalent to the concept, not the term for it, so the phrase preceding the definition must be revised to reflect this: â€Å"Administrative adjudication is one of several methods the agency may use to enforce compliance with federal consumer financial laws; the term refers to the process by which an administrative agency engages in an adversarial proceeding with a supervised party.†4. The Gospel of Matthew, the only one of the four canonical gospels to mention the Wise Men, or Magi, makes no mention of the number who came to worship the baby Jesus. Here, two designations for the same thing, the group of men said to have visited Jesus shortly after his birth, are described, but it makes no sense to first provide the more transparent of the two terms, followed by the more esoteric one. The designation that is more well known should be offered as a subsequent gloss, or brief definition, of the more obscure term: â€Å"The Gospel of Matthew, the only one of the four canonical gospels to mention the Magi, or Wise Men, makes no mention of the number who came to worship the baby Jesus.†5. Alice in Wonderland syndrome, or micropsia, is a neurological disease that affects the visual cortex and makes you see things much, much smaller than they really are. Again, why include a more technical term in addition to a vernacular alternative unless it is introduced first, followed by the more familiar or accessible name as a gloss? Revise as shown here: â€Å"Micropsia, or Alice in Wonderland syndrome, is a neurological disease that affects the visual cortex and makes you see things much, much smaller than they really are.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Common Mistakes category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:35 Synonyms for â€Å"Look†When to Form a Plural with an ApostropheCaptain vs. Master
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Ethical Behavior of Employee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Ethical Behavior of Employee - Essay Example Menzel’s compliance model suggests that the employee’s conduct is regulated to spur obedience to minimum standards and legal prohibitions; what the law says, what the rules mean, and what one needs to do (Ethical Moments in Government page number). Employees must abide by the applicable rules and practices to stay out of trouble. If they break the rules, they will be subject to punishment. Punishment would be harsh to those who break the rules with willful intention and less harsh if the rules are broken due to ignorance (Menzel, â€Å"PM Plus†). In sharp contrast, Menzel’s integrity-based model is value driven, not rules driven. It combines the awareness of public service ethos, ethical standards, and legal prohibitions, as well as the process of moral reasoning to inspire exemplary actions and ethical conduct (Menzel, Ethical Moments in Government page number). Values may differ depending on the mission, leadership, incentives, awareness, education, and training, aspirations, and culture (Menzel, â€Å"PM Plus†). The employee must choose what is right and what is wrong depending on these considerations. Let us take the city manager’s ethical dilemma here. From a strict compliance point of view, the city manager has no deal with the neighboring community. A verbal agreement is not enforceable under law or under contract in such a situation. As there is no compliance-based ethical issue here, he could go back on his word with the neighboring community and accept the higher offer from his own community without violating professional ethics.
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