Friday, September 4, 2020
Descriptive on Crashing While Cycling Free Essays
Familiar with the night I have been familiar with the night. I have exited in downpour and back in downpour I have out strolled the farthest city light I have looked down the saddest city path I have passes by the guardian on his beat And dropped my eyes reluctant to clarify Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost I gradually rise up out of my sleep to the raising sound of my morning timer. The entryway squeaks as I turn with the spotlight around the bend. We will compose a custom paper test on Illustrative on Crashing While Cycling or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now I explore my way to the front entryway and gradually close it behind me. I put on my skin - tight cycling pack and begin to push my bicycle to the entryway. I gaze upward and am familiar with the still dull night sky gazing at me†¦ The air is as yet dim and a slight breeze hits to flag the tempest ahead. I cut in and gradually begin to free wheel down the continuous slope. I get together with the gathering and we welcome each other. We are completely instructed concerning what the diverse non verbal motions suggest and to be cautious out and about consistently, and afterward we set off in gatherings. As we cycle through suburbia, we stop people in their tracks from side to side looking down the abandoned streets, doing whatever it takes not to stand out. Our understudies are as yet presented to the totally dark of the night and are getting greater and greater attempting to retain however much light as could be expected to see the route forward. We stride forward two side by side. Our lungs are singed with the regularly developing cold of the air, puncturing them getting a handle on at each pant of air. Lights are presently beginning to show up around us, flagging that the city is gradually awakening. The sky is as yet dull and we have turned on our bike lights to enlighten our direction. Presently, for a significant distance ahead we can see the squinting of red lights out there speeding past us. I get together with the primary street and begin to wipe the perspiration from my temple and alter my glasses. The air is nippy and I see the guardian on his beat enveloped by a sweeping difficult urgently to keep warm. We close to our first move of the morning cycle. I lock my legs and a low apparatus for the ideal force important to handle this staggering sight before me. As I plummet down the precarious slope, I gain energy with each revolution of my haggle down to acquire speed. I test my sanity up to decrease the drag and addition considerably more peed. The bicycle begins to get insecure and, with the smallest development the bicycle begins to influence by and large I hang on with incredible power in an edgy endeavor not to lose control. I am going to hit the trough of the incline and release my stance when I hit a pot gap. As I profession through the air like a rocket bolted onto an objective, I reach the smooth, yet grating tar. I rapidly attempt to unclip to adjust myself ye t it is no utilization I have no stage to do as such and simply get ready for the most exceedingly awful. As I hit the deck, my tires are the first to go with a colossal pop. I currently have no power over what is coming straightaway. The edges clasp and twisted from the monstrous weight and I am going down. I attempt to place my hand before me to pad the fall however it isn’t all around considered and, with an immense crash, my arm essentially creases into itself and scraps over the floor at helping speed. My shorts are rapidly getting destroyed, and soon my thigh will be as well. Everybody is attempting to evade me and another cyclist in his push to dodge me stopped crashing into an obstruction. The main thing experiencing my head at the time is that my bicycle is currently close to a damaged bit of salvaged material. My wounded and battered body lies vulnerably on the black-top confined under my bike. My leg is in desolation which is exacerbated by the bicycle lying on it. I shout for help trusting that I will be heard. I get notification from a separation the shrieking of tires and the unclipping of spikes. The group is before long hustling towards me and I can hear them yelling out yonder. I gradually float off admiring the stars†¦ Step by step instructions to refer to Descriptive on Crashing While Cycling, Essays
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Should abortions be legal Essay Example for Free
Should premature births be legitimate Essay Fetus removal ought to be legitimate, on the grounds that there are an excessive number of things that turn out badly. A ladies could be assaulted and need to get one since she doesn’t need to take a gander at the kid and doesn’t need to feel it develop, opportunity of picking what to do and how government contribution in close to home choices, for example, this could prompt possibly having the legislature regard what number of youngsters you can have or even what number of pregnancies you are permitted, clinical explanations behind premature birth, and the capacity of a lady to have control of her body is basic to social equality. There is an opportunity of picking what to do, and how government inclusion in close to home choices, for example, this could prompt possibly having the legislature esteem what number of youngsters you can have or even what number of pregnancies you are permitted. The quantities of the premature births in China in 1979 spiked to high numbers. â€Å"According to an administration count, 9. 2 million premature births were acted in 2008, up from 7. 6 million out of 2007. Be that as it may, the tally just incorporates medical clinics, and state media report the absolute could be as high as 13 million. On the off chance that precise, that would give China among the most noteworthy fetus removal rates on the planet. (4) These premature births are a result of the administration taking control and saying that females could just have one youngster. On the off chance that something to that effect occurs here in America numbers would spike from the â€Å"2009-2011 appraisals of 1,212,400 annually†(5) to around equivalent to China. â€Å"Medical conditions can emerge during pregnancy that may represent a threat to the moms life. A portion of these conditions may result from the pregnancy itself, while others might be clinical issues that require quick treatment that is impossible while pregnant. For instance, if forceful malignancy is found during pregnancy, it might be important to treat the disease quickly, representing a risk to the baby. A few ladies may settle on fetus removal so as to get treatment that could spare the womans life. Proceeding with the pregnancy in a portion of these occasions could bring about death, stroke or fruitlessness for the moms. This is basic in cases in which the embryo has as of now kicked the bucket in-utero. †(3) There are times in a pregnancy when specialists realize that an unnatural birth cycle will occur, this ordinarily occurs in the initial four months. They at that point tell the mother that there is no fetal heartbeat on the screen or the degree of HCG diminishes in the blood in light of the fact that the infant isn't alive. At the point when a portion of the ladies discover they choose to have a premature birth since it is less pressure and it has less wellbeing hazard. In the event that the lady needs to convey until the unnatural birth cycle happens the wellbeing hazard are extremely high. The ladies could drain, or much more prominent issues like fruitlessness. At the point when an assault or family pregnancy happens it is a genuine wrongdoing. Making a lady convey the youngster full term would make more damage the lady. There are ladies out there that are too reluctant to even consider going to the police or to a medical clinic about an assault. Some decide to endure half a month in the wake of finding and go in saying they just don’t the kid. A few ladies don’t get some answers concerning the pregnancy until it is past the point of no return and need to pick prematurely end following 13 weeks or convey to full term. †Only one percent of premature births occur from assault casualties. (2) â€Å" â€Å"Control over her body and the opportunity to choose a mind-blowing course is basic to a womans social equality. At the point when a lady is pregnant it is her body that experiences all the pressure of pregnancy. On the off chance that she chooses not to have a pregnancy she ought to have the option to do as such. Denying her the privilege to her body is abusing her most fundamental opportunity. One of the most appropriate inquiries with respect to fetus removal is when does life start. A baby might be alive however so are sperms and eggs. The facts demonstrate that life in each structure ought to be regarded. Notwithstanding, should the privilege of an embryo be more prominent than that of a lady who in dominant part of the cases would bear the obligation of the impromptu youngster? One of the significant premature birth realities is that a large portion of the premature births happen in the primary trimester when the embryo can't live autonomous of the mother. It relies upon the mother through the placenta and the umbilical rope for nourishment and wellbeing and consequently ought not be viewed as a different substance. all in all fetus removal ought to be lawful so as to help the individuals who need it. Indeed with the great there comes awful. A few people are continually going to utilize the fetus removal like a next day contraceptive; there is no way around it. If it somehow managed to be made unlawful than shouldn't something be said about the ladies who are going to kick the bucket bringing forth a previously passed kid since she was made to convey to term from this? Shouldn't something be said about that one percent of ladies that are really not frightened to say something regarding the assault and get a fetus removal? Would it be a good idea for us to deny them their privileges? Should premature births be illicit? Premature births ought to be illicit on the grounds that fetus removal ought not be utilized as another type of contraception, the individuals who pick premature births are frequently minors or young ladies with inadequate educational experience to see completely what they are doing many have deep rooted laments thereafter, and selection is a reasonable option in contrast to fetus removal and achieves a similar outcome. With 1. million American families needing to embrace a kid, there is nothing of the sort as an undesirable youngster. (1-1) In the U. S. A. 2 out of 100 ladies who get pregnant have a fetus removal which is in excess of 40 percent. It resembles premature births are being utilized as though they were getting your teeth cleaned 2 times each year. Premature births ought not be only an escape prison free card. At the point when you choose to set down in the bed with your accomplice you ought to be prepared for what comes straightaway. Inside the initial two months of pregnancy in excess of 85 percent of the premature births in the U. S occur. Ladies ought not be an uproarious to simply execute a youngster like that its old waste. â€Å"Of young ladies who become pregnant, about 35% decide to have a premature birth instead of bear a youngster. One or the two guardians of 61% of minors think about their girls premature births. The more youthful the youngster, the higher the probability that she has disclosed to her mom about the circumstance. Numerous states have instituted, or are thinking about, laws that confine young people access to premature birth by requiring parental association in the fetus removal choice. Such laws include: Parental warning laws that require clinical faculty to inform a minors parent(s) of her goal to get a premature birth; Parental assent laws that require clinical work force to get composed authorization from the parent(s) before giving a fetus removal; Almost the entirety of the parental notice and assent laws have legal detour alternatives that permit a teenager who feels she can't include her parent(s) to get an appointed authorities consent to continue with her fetus removal. A few states permit a doctor to postpone parental association, and some permit proficient guiding rather than parental contribution. â€Å"(1-2) More than 46 states do this so we can stop the utilization of premature birth by kids so their folks won't know. Low-salary ladies (for instance, those procuring $17,170 or less in a three-man family) represented 514,040 premature births, or 42% all things considered, in 2008. Is this since they have an inclination that they can’t bear the cost of it? There are such a large number of families that can't have youngsters and just to be honored with a couple of the kids that are killed each day would be so extraordinary for that family. â€Å"About 30 percent of Americans have considered embracing (Harris, 2007), yet starting at 2002, just 2. 0 percent have done as such (Jones, 2009). Somewhere close to those rates lies the quantity of individuals looking to adoptâ€that is, the individuals who have found a way to embrace a youngster. (1-3) Even however there is over 115,00o kids in the open kid care holding back to be embraced, a great many people hoping to receive are searching for more youthful than 3 children with†attributes that are less regular in youngsters in the child care framework than different qualities. However, while high rates of ladies would acknowledge a kid with different qualities, they communicated worry about receiving youngsters with wellbeing or conduct issues. †(1-3) So there are more than a l ot of individuals needing to receive more youthful youngsters so premature birth ought to be made unlawful.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Deutsche Bank Ag (DB) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Deutsche Bank Ag (DB) - Research Paper Example cles and distributions, Deutsche Bank Ag despite everything stays a symbol the world remote trade showcase however confronting solid rivalry from other outside trade vendors. A portion of the administrations offered by this financial foundation incorporate; chance administration, riches the executives, support the executives, corporate money, deals, retail banking, and exchange. From the kind of administrations rendered by this organization, it is apparent that it manages corporate and private customers. Its market arrange is equitably spread across set up and developing economies and this fills in as a significant factor that moves Deutsche Bank Ag towards money related or financial achievement on the planet advertise (Deutsche Bank in Asia, 32). As per numerous assessors, this establishment utilized log term system to accomplish great outcomes on the planet advertise. DBA being perhaps the most established foundation in the financial business set aside effort to become familiar with the market pattern consequently ready to settle on speedy and vital showcasing choices. Deutsche Bank Ag is one of the confided in banks inside America and Europe because of its long presence in the financial business (Deutsche Bank in Asia, 32). German began utilizing this financial foundation well before World War II and from that point forward it has developed to cover the world market. The organization is as yet extending is administration system to different nations over the globe and still stays to beat on the planet showcase. As indicated by the verifiable portrayal of Deutsche Bank Ag, it is one of the financial foundations that offer a few banking
Rhetorical Analysis of an Organizational Website Essay
Logical Analysis of an Organizational Website - Essay Example These incorporate most recent films that are delivered in Hollywood and recordings just as top stories on top on-screen character ways of life. The site meets its point by utilizing a basic and expert structure. It utilizes a creative structure to the name of their site that is very much shaded to draw the reader’s consideration. This is speaking to the eye, and initially, one can know the website’s name. As indicated by Hunt (2011), a peruser is probably going to return to a site on the off chance that it contains all the data it professes to contain and doesn't give or allude to spontaneous data. The Hollywood site has easy to use route; there are clear connects to the different areas as depicted in the underlying blueprint on the landing page. The substance is orchestrated completely so that whatever one is searching for can be acquired initially, thus supporting to accomplish its objective. Sites ought to be made in light of the watcher, this infers the ideal opportunity for perusing ought to be insignificant and the substance ought to be straightforward and simple to decipher and comprehend by the focused on watchers. Its effortlessness in plan of the Hollywood site has contributed monstrously to its ubiquity among the youngsters (OConnell, 1994). For example, in the event that one is searching for motion pictures, they would go legitimately and click on the so-named symbol, subsequently getting the ideal thing. On different sites, there are numerous popup windows and connections to random sites which burn through the viewer’s time as well as add to contamination of PCs by web infections. Lawrence, and Tavakol, (2007) in their book â€Å"Balanced Website Design: Optimizing Esthetics, Usability, and Purpose.†Propose that the utilization of deliberately structured illustrations on sites makes them more engaging and simpler to peruse than those with content.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Literature review Essay Example for Free
Writing audit Essay Dynamic: Supply chain Management has accepted a noteworthy job in firms execution and has pulled in genuine research consideration in the course of the most recent couple of years. A writing audit uncovers an extensive spray in examine in principle and practice of SCM. Joining and educating on highlights of Supply Management and conveyance Management. This reconciliation has brought about the idea of broadened undertaking and the flexibly chain is currently show as the cooperative gracefully anchor across intercompany outskirts to augment the incentive over the whole gracefully chain. An enormous number of research papers have been distributed in different diaries in most recent two decades. In this paper an endeavor is made to survey the status of writing on Supply Chain Management. A writing arrangement plot is proposed. An aggregate of 588 articles from 13 refereed scholarly diaries are characterized into articles in five systems for example Exploratory, Normative, Methodology, Literature Review and Hypothesis testing. This writing audit finds that exploratory sort of research is generally favored it is normal that with the development of SCM the theory testing strategy will get. The articles are additionally arranged in fifteen classes based on content investigation. In light of this audit, some conceivable research issues are distinguished. Catchphrases: SCM, Supply Chain technique, Literature Review. those with normal execution. 1. Presentation Customarily, Supply Chain Management (SCM) has been a blend of different perspectives, with impacts from coordinations and transportation, activities the executives and materials anddistribution the board, showcasing, just as buying and data innovation (IT). In a perfect world, the allencompassing reasoning of SCM grasps every one of these capacities to deliver a general flexibly chain technique that at last upgrades firm execution (Croom et al. 2000; Wisner and Tan 2000). In reality, the writing is still divided and albeit a few examinations imply to talk about flexibly chain issues, the greater part of the current research just analyzes one connection of the chain, or in particular just spotlights on one fixing in the gracefully chain execution blend. Six significant developments can be seen in the advancement of flexibly chain the executives contemplates. Creation, Integration, Globalization, Specialization Phases One and Two, and SCM 2.0 These stages are given in Table 1. In the flow serious situation gracefully chain the board accept a huge significance and calls for genuine research consideration, as organizations are tested with discovering approaches to meet ever-rising client desires at a sensible expense. To do as such, organizations must inquiry out which parts of their gracefully chain process are not serious, comprehend which client needs are not being met, build up progress objectives, and quickly execute vital enhancements. Already makers were the drivers of the flexibly chain dealing with the pace at which items were made and disseminated. Today, clients are making major decisions, and makers are scrambling to satisfy client needs for choices/styles/highlights, snappy request satisfaction, and quick conveyance. Assembling quality a long-lasting serious differentiator is moving toward equality no matter how you look at it, so satisfying customer’s explicit needs for item conveyance has developed as the following basic open door for u pper hand. Organizations that figure out how to improve the board of their gracefully chain will turn into the new examples of overcoming adversity in the worldwide commercial center. Study on Benchmarking shows critical cost contrasts between associations that display top tier execution and Copyright  © 2010 HyperSciences_Publisher. All rights held The six phase transformative period delineates that in a specific time which methodology was underlined. For example in the 6th period data Technology was given need and IT empowered flexibly chain was the consuming issue. During the 1990s ventures started to concentrate on â€Å"core competencies†and received a specialization model. Organizations surrendered vertical combination, auctions off non-center tasks, and re-appropriated those capacities to different organizations. Web 2. 0 is characterized as a pattern in the utilization of the World Wide Web that is intended to expand inventiveness, data sharing, and coordinated effort among clients. The term gracefully chain the board was first instituted by an American industry expert in the mid 1980s. Anyway the idea of gracefully chain in the executives, was critical well before in the mid twentieth century, particularly by the production of the sequential construction system. This time of flexibly chain the executives examines was featured with the improvement of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) frameworks during the 1960s and created through the 1990s by the presentation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) frameworks. This period is portrayed by the globalization of flexibly chain the executives in associations with the objective of expanding upper hand, making more worth included, and lessening costs through worldwide sourcing Specialization inside the gracefully chain started during the 1980s with the initiation of transportation financiers, distribution center administration, and non resource based bearers and has developed past transportation and coordinations into parts of flexibly arranging, joint effort, execution and execution the executives. presents different implications given by different scientists; at that point a writing order conspire is clarified and an examination plan is recommended in the wake of distinguishing the holes among hypothesis and practice of SCM. SCM investigate has incorporated various writing surveys and chronicled contemplates distributed in the top insightful diaries in the fields of coordinations, logisticâ the executives, buying and SCM (Croom et al. 2000; Carter and Ellram 2003; Rungtusanatham et al. 2003). SCM writing surveys have likewise been done previously. In any case, generally these audits have been enlightening (offering essential frequencies for subjects secured and so forth.) or regulating. Given the expanding center around SCM in both scholastic and professional writing streams, a survey of the ideas, points, investigation techniques and levels of examination across thirteen scholarly diaries was attempted. This exploration examines the historical backdrop of the SCM writing taking a gander at the different patterns and improvements in the field
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Bargaining Power Of Buyers
Bargaining Power Of Buyers TYPES OF BUYERS © Entrepreneurial Insights based on the concept of Porters 5 ForcesBuyers have bargaining power when they are strong enough to be able to put collective pressure on the companies producing a product or a service. This power is highest when buyers are able to gather together and amount for a large percentage of the producer’s sales revenue or when there is a number of suppliers providing the same type of product.In this article, we will look at 1) types of buyers, 2) bargaining power of buyers, 3) factors that determine the strength of buyers, 4) managing the bargaining power of buyers, and 4) an example of Walmart.TYPES OF BUYERSBuyer Groups © Entrepreneurial InsightsBefore a company can create strategies to handle different types of buyers and their potential power, it is pertinent to understand the different types of buyers. There are always different types of buyers and each needs to be treated in consideration of their unique behavior. Inside each market segment, there may be five different groups of buyers:Innovators: Innovators are a small group of early purchasers. These people stay updated on the industry and what the current and upcoming trends and technologies are. They are confident and look forward to experiment with new things. If a product sounds exciting to them, they will use it and influence other possible innovators to use the product as well. However, the acceptance and usage of a product by this group may not lead to a widespread trend.Adopters: The second type of buyers are the early adopters. These people set an example for others and are opinion leaders of a particular market segment. They will tr y a new product out if it offers them significant benefit. Being change agents, they will understand the product before they adopt it and this leads credibility to their references.Early Majority: The early majority is relatively slower in trying out a new product offering. They will usually embrace a new product after acceptance by their peers and following strong references from them. This is a more practical group of people who are not necessarily excited by the new or innovative.Late Majority: This group will become consumers of a product much later in the product’s life cycle, when stronger buyers may have already discovered the next new product. Their motivation is to wait for prices to fall and the product to become established and known in the market with proof of reliability and longevity.Excessive Traditionalists: This is the last group to come onboard regarding the product. These people wait till the prices have reached their lowest point, competitors have entered the m arket and established themselves and the product has turned into a necessary purchase or a need. The product may have become close to obsolete by this time.Each of these buyer groups has a different potential power over the supplier or producer and need to be understood and managed accordingly. Buyer Personalities © Entrepreneurial InsightsWithin buyer groups, there may be different buyer behaviors. Most of these end up corresponding to the various buyer group characteristics, but there may be more than one behavior within a group. Some of these are:The Highly Motivated Buyer: Highly motivated buyers are ready to make an immediate purchase. They are usually informed and have conducted their own extensive research. They are knowledgeable, willing and able to make the purchase.The Serious Buyer: Though these buyers are serious about the need to make a purchase, they are not in any hurry to do so. Often first time buyers, they will want to consider all their alternatives and options and then evaluate the benefits of each of these.The Bargain Hunter: The bargain hunter is looking to make a purchase but needs to find a good deal to convince them to actually go ahead and buy. It is not always clear whether they have the means needed to make a full priced purchase or if they just like a bargain.The Casual Looker: Often, these people are in the perpetual habit of browsing or looking. They may not be able to afford to make a purchase or do not want to at this point. They may however want to keep considering their options. Types of Business Buyers © Entrepreneurial InsightsBuyer behavior may be different for businesses buying from businesses. Since these buyers have the task of procuring materials or products for their own businesses, decisions are made seriously and after a lot of consideration. These buyers may often make a large chunk of profits for a company and can wield their influence to assert control. Some of the types of business buyers may be:The Number-Cruncher: Basing their decisions on facts and figures, these buyers collect information and create a model for the market. Using this model, they will decide when to buy which product at what price. They may also use their data to exert pressure at a later time as and when needed.The Intimidator: Using their position of power, these buyers may force their way into a good deal from a company. They may be hostile or loud during negotiations and threats may be used extensively. The goal is to secure a good deal through whatever means are needed.The Engineer: Usually fr om a technical or research background, this buyer will be primarily interested in how a product works. Technical details and product features will figure heavily in their discussions and decisions.The Talker: This buyer will believe that they know everything about the market and how it works. They will want to share this knowledge extensively. Often these people have strong backgrounds in their fields so cannot be dismissed at all. But it becomes necessary to understand what excites them and help channel any conversations or decisions. BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERSWhen a strong group of buyers is present in the market, it can significantly impact a company’s product and selling decisions. The strongest power that buyers can exert is to lower prices, which in turn impacts the profit potential. Buyers can also demand higher quality of services or products, and increase competitiveness by forcing different companies into price wars. All of these factors end up decreasing the attractive ness of the industry by lowering its profitability.Bargaining power of buyers will be strong and powerful depending on:Characteristics of a market and its conditionsThe percentage of sales revenue they providesFACTORS THAT DETERMINE STRENGTH OF BUYERS There are several different market conditions that determine whether the buyers will have power or not. Some of these factors are:Buyer Concentration: When buyers are fewer in number and more concentrated, they have a higher power over the producer. The producer’s sales revenue will be dependent on these few customers and they will not be able to ignore any demands. Conversely, if the buyers are widespread, then their business is also smaller and they are easy to ignore for a producer.Percentage of Sales: Another bargaining chip for a buyer or buyer group is the amount of business they give to a producer. If the percentage of sales from one buyer is significant, then the producer will not want to risk losing their business.Undifferentiated products: If the producer sells a standard or undifferentiated product, then they will usually have the potential threat of a buyer switching producers. If there are many producers supplying the same type of product, a buyer will have the option of exploring possibilities.Switching Cost: If switching costs are low for a buyer, then any dissatisfaction with a producer or a product will lead to loss of business as the buyer will be able to find an alternate with minimum hassle and inconvenience.Threat of Integration: If there are possible threats of a buyer integrating backwards, then the producer will have less power. This means that they may begin producing what they buy in-house, or actually acquire the producer.Information: If buyers have full information regarding the producers operations and what their actual costs are, then they will be able to demand better prices from the producer.Price Sensitivity: If the buyers are sensitive to changes in prices and may stop purchase, the producer will not be able to ignore their demands.Available Substitutes: If there are many substitutes or alternatives in the market, then the buyers will have a lot of options to switch and shop around, making their power over the producers subst antial.Analyzing Bargaining Power of BuyersWhen entering a market, launching a new product or in response to a change in market trends, a company can ask the following questions to understand and analyze the power of its buyers:Who are the potential buyers?How many are they?What is their level of knowledge regarding the value chain?What if their access to data and research?How sensitive are they to price considerations?Are they likely to value brand loyalty?Can we create brand loyalty and product differentiation?Are they likely to switch to an alternate product or company?Are they likely to move to a substitute in another industry?Are they likely to buy in bulk?Are they likely to buy often?Are there any possible switching costs that may make changing producers difficult?MANAGING BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERSIt is clear that in certain situations and markets, buyers may have significant power over producers. But producers can take steps to manage this power and mitigate the risks associ ated with strong buyers. This will help maintain or even increase industry profitability.Protecting Business from Strong BuyersThough not always easy, there are steps a company can take to counter the rise of a strong buyers. These steps may include:Differentiate the Product: The key here is to build a unique selling proposition for the product so that this becomes vital to a buyer. This may be a feature or a benefit that is not available in competing products or possible substitutes. This will help equalize standing of both buyer and seller in the negotiating process. The seller wants the business and the buyer wants the benefit that is unique to a product.Low Cost Leadership: Another possible strategy for a business is to decrease its own cost of production and business in order to offer the lowest possible price to the buyer. The danger here is to go too low and damage one’s own business in the long term. Though this level of commitment to the low cost model may win business in the short term, in the long term the business may not be able to survive.Chose Easy to Serve Customers: If the base of customers are expensive to serve, a producer will not be able to offer competitive prices. In this case, it is better to serve a smaller customer base that is easy to access and less costly to service.Establish Walk Away Prices: Though not always possible, it may be a good idea for a business to establish a minimum price level that will not be crossed no matter what the buyer demand. This will not allow the buyer to keep making demands as they will understand that a certain level will not be crossed. Though there is a danger of losing customers here if the product is generic, but if the buyer wants to keep the relationship going, an agreement may be reached to the benefit of both parties.Offer Only Desired Benefits: Often a company may spend resources in developing and offering features and benefits that a customer may not need, may not know about, or is indifferen t to. In these cases, the costs may be reduced and only those benefits and features offered that translate into sales and satisfied customers. Additional benefits can be offered at additional costs to discerning clients only.Forward Integration: If a buyer or a group of buyers is becoming difficult to manage, then it may be in the interest if the supplier to integrate forward and consolidate the value chain. This will change the buyer seller dynamic and put them in direct competition with each other.Choosing the Right BuyersOften producers can make the decision to choose who to do business with. In these cases, the company may select those customers who will become partners rather than demanding clients. Some instances where this can happen include:Select buyers who value the quality and reliability of the product and its delivery above the price. These people will not push on costs and prices and instead work on ensuring that the product provided is top of the lineSelect buyers for whom the product plays a vital part in the assembly of their final offering. Or, where the item provided makes up an important part of their own product portfolio.Select buyers whose own end users demand the producer’s product. This could be the necessity for Intel processers within laptops for example. The end user pressure will ensure that the company in the middle does not become too demanding towards the producer.Select buyers who require customization that only the producer can provide.Select buyers whose customers will also be willing to pay a higher price. This means that the entire value chain will easily absorb cost increases.Select a buyer who does not have the technical expertise to understand the details of manufacturing. This may be an unethical practice as there may be the opportunity to trick a buyer into believing that a product costs more than it actually does.EXAMPLE OF BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS WALMART © Wikimedia commons | Walmart CorporateThe CompanyAn American multinational retail store, Walmart operates large discount departmental and warehouse stores. The company was founded in 1963 and have over 11,000 stores in 27 countries operating under as many as 55 different brand names. Some of these other brand names are Asda in the UK, Seiyu in Japan and Best Price in India.There are two aspect to be considered when assessing the bargaining power of buyers in the context of Walmart. The company itself is a massive buyer of a large and diverse number of products from many different manufacturers and suppliers. In addition it sells to thousands of individual end consumers of these products. In this regard, we can discuss both the power of Walmart as a buyer and the power of customers over Walmart.Walmarts Power as a BuyerWalmart is an extremely powerful as a buyer. It has enormous reach and reaches thousands of end users. It also buys in large quantities and controls how a customer ac cesses the brands and products that it stocks. This means that Walmart can dictate prices, delivery times and product quality from its suppliers. Suppliers cater to this pressure by basing their operations close to Walmart headquarters and allowing easy access to the company’s purchasing departments to test products and negotiate terms. Walmart can easily switch suppliers which gives the company additional power to dictate terms. In certain cases, Walmart can also integrate vertically.There are instances when Walmart will have less power and this usually happens in interactions with sellers large enough to wield significant influence of their own. Companies such as Coca Cola, Procter and Gamble and Unilever have products that are directly demanded by end users and cannot be easily substituted.The Power of Walmart’s BuyersIn comparison, Walmart buyers have moderate influence over the company’s decisions. The convenience and lower costs offered by the store means that buyers wil l not easily switch to an alternate. This means that pricing techniques are decided by the company with little input from the final consumer. Consumers may demand certain popular brands or products which will reduce Walmart’s power over those suppliers.Image credit: Wikimedia commons | Walmart Corporate under Attribution 2.0 Generic.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Religious Allegories in Life of Pi - Literature Essay Samples
Religious Allegories in Life of Pi Religion is a subject that has always been prevalent in literature. The most popular book of all time, and the first ever printed, is the Bible, which is comprised of many stories of faith. In Life of Pi, Pi is an Indian boy whose faith is his life. He is lost at sea after his family’s ship to Canada sinks. He is alone on a lifeboat in the Pacific ocean , save for a Bengal tiger. The story of his survival is a story of perseverance by faith in the face of overwhelming adversity. Authors have always used religious allusions and metaphors to hint at the overall allegorical meaning of their story, and in Life of Pi, Yann Martel does just that. Martel symbolizes the ocean and the island to represent life with and without religion, and he uses Pi’s experiences to draw contrasts between them. Yann Martel uses Pi’s journey as an allegory for the spiritual journey of finding faith, and his encounter with the island represents the doubt that one must overcome. Before Pi comes to the island, he is alone with Richard Parker on the Pacific ocean, and he has only his faith to motivate him. Once he’s been on the island for a while, he believes that he has all the essentials for a happy life. â€Å"What reason could I have to leave the island? Were my physical needs not met here? Was there not more fresh water than i could drink in my entire lifetime? More algae than i could eat? And when I yearned for variety, more meerkats and fish than I could ever desire? If the island floated and moved, might it not move in the right direction? Might it not turn out to be a vegetable ship that brought me to land? In the meantime, did I not have these delightful meerkats to keep me company?†(Martel 279). This quote is used to illustrate how the island meets all the requi rements for a healthy life exceptionally. While Pi is at the island, he makes no mention of God, but once he decides to leave the island in search of humanity, he returns to his faith. Earlier in the book, Pi says that doubt is necessary for everyone, and in order for your faith to be strong, at some point you must question it. Pi looks to the meerkats for company while on the island, in place of the humans he longs for. Later, Pi decides to leave the island in search of humankind again. â€Å"By the time the morning came, my grim decision was taken. I preferred to set off and perish in search of my own kind than to live a lonely half-life of physical comfort and spiritual death on this murderous island.†(Martel 283). The quote embodies the thesis. Yann Martel uses it to demonstrate the atheistic qualities of the island, and show that Pi has realized that life on the island would not be a life worth living. While he has all the necessities on the island to sustain his life (the physical comfort) , is it worth living without any human interaction (the spiritual death) ? Is it worth living a life with no higher purpose whatsoever, save survival? Yann Martel uses this doubt to compare Pi’s lonely life on the island to atheism, and life without religion. Yann Martel uses Pi’s descension from human to animal while on the island to prove that the only real difference between humans and animals is religion. When Pi first encounters the meerkats on the island, he sees Richard Parker running through the crowds of meerkats and killing as many as he could. Pi remarks that this is the very definition of animals, killing without necessity. â€Å"He killed without need. He killed meerkats that he did not eat. In animals, the urge to kill is separate from the urge to eat. To go so long without prey and suddenly have so many- his pent-up hunting instinct was lashing out with a vengeance. He was far away. There was no danger to me.†(Martel 269). Before the ship sunk, Pi was a vegetarian. Once necessity in the form of hunger drove him to compromise that particular moral value, he could hardly bring himself to kill the fish that he had caught, and once he had, he was beside himself with guilt. Now he witnesses Richard Parker killing all of these meerkats, and his only thought is of his own safety. This shows the psychological progression of Pi’s descension from man to animal. A few weeks later, after Pi has been living on the island for a considerable amount of time, he kills meerkats to attempt to ease the pain of his foot, which was burned by the acidic island. â€Å"I took the knife and killed two meerkats and tried to soothe the pain with their blood and innards.†(Martel 281). Yann Martel uses this quote to demonstrate that Pi has become an animal by his own definition. He kills without need for nourishment, but simply to attempt to ease the pain of his foot. These quotes lend credence to the observation because as Pi lives longer on the island, he loses his religion and moral character, and becomes more and more animalistic by the day. In this way, Yann Martel contrasts the versions of Pi on the ocean and on the island, and proves that religion is what separates humans from becoming animals. Without a higher purpose to live for, man becomes predator. In Life of Pi, Yann Martel uses Pi’s experiences with the ocean and the island to represent life with faith, and life without faith. Pi’s experience with the island is an allegory to the inner struggle with doubt on the spiritual journey of finding religion, and the ocean represents life with religion, where Pi is only able to persevere by faith alone. The island takes away Pi’s humanity, and with it he loses his faith. Without these defining traits, Pi descends into an animalistic existence. Yann Martel makes this particular theme of the book abundantly clear: without religion, we are no more than animals. If you take away all of the technological advances that we have made, all of the governments, societies, and communities that we have made for ourselves, we are just animals without faith.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Five Important Moral Values Essay - 1278 Words
Five Important Moral Values Shilpi Singh Foothill College Abstract This paper is about five important moral values. Personally, I believe that every child should have these moral values because these moral values were vital to me when I was growing up. Basically, I would pass these moral values on to my child, because they are so imperative to have. As the children go through elementary school, middle school, and high school, they will need these essential moral values. Five Important Moral Values Honesty and Integrity First of all, each and every child should hold the moral value of honesty and integrity. Each and every child should learn to be honest, no matter what. If one is honest, others admire them. For example, if a child has done something wrong, the child should be honest about it. Generally, I feel that this moral value is critical because it matters so much in life. If it is not a value someone contains, they will have a hard time in life, and people will have a difficult time trusting them. If you look at it one way, I have always believed that forming bonds of trust and trustworthy relationships are the strongest. Therefore, this correlates back to honesty and integrity, because trust forms when one is honest, and always tells the truth. This moral value has always been emphasized in my family origins, and that is why it is so important to me. My religion, Hinduism, does believe in honesty (as it is written in the â€Å"Gita†), and as we learn about HinduismShow MoreRelatedThe Moral Instinct By Pinker845 Words  | 4 Pagesmorality come from and why is it important for us to know? The cognitive scientist, psychologist, linguist, and scholar, Steven Pinker discusses this in his essay, â€Å"The Moral Instinct†. In this essay, Pinker claims that our morality sense is innate, it constantly changes, and it is universal among each culture. Pinker also explains that moral sense shapes our judgement as it is something that we value and seek in other people. The science of the moral sense is important since it shows how morality impactsRead MoreWhat Makes Military Expertise Necessary For The Civil Military Relations?1401 Words  | 6 Pageshighest level of responsibility of any duty position in the Army. Commanders are responsible for millions of dollars of equipment, dozens of lives, and the application of lethal force. This responsibility is what makes military expertise vitally important to Captains in the United States Army. Additionally, the r esponsibilities of Command, if carried out improperly have the ability to cause significant harm to civil-military relations in this country. Gregory D. 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How was the social class divided in the Tokugawa bakufu? And what was Fukuzawa’s status? → The samurai was the small group of the top level. The peasants who grow rice formed the second class since rice was so important to the survival of the society. The third class was composed of artisans who made every sort of product, such as farm tools, swords, and clothes, for samurai and peasants. The merchants made up the fourth class because handling
Monday, May 18, 2020
My Assessment On Business Ethics Online Discussion On Board
Introduction My assessment on business ethics online discussion on board I have to chose best tree in activity 1 to 12 and I have to make report format and describe on details what I understand of all I chose the tree each activity have 4/5 question . I have to define each question and in final I have to make report writing . Best three. ïÆ'Ëœ Behavioral ethics ïÆ'Ëœ bounded ethicality ïÆ'Ëœ conflict of interest I n this activity shows what are loop hole between employs and originations and how personality affect in work place. I have some personal experience on work place and right down it .For my thinking is every Company or origination have monitoring system to keep looking what s going on inside the work place and how to manage†¦show more content†¦1 : Ethics behavior In the ethics behavior means making good business decision establish on based ethics behavior code of ethics .In this activity have video based on ethics behavior and I have six question about the ethics behavior and asked me about any person experience you about . Q1. Yes I am agree with this statement because like in this video a guy facing a problem in his collage that some of his friends taking drugs to improve the performance and that is illegal way but they taken drugs. He feels that why I am not to try to maximize my performance in collage and get more good grades. Q2. I agree with the following statements from researchers in the field. Because I know some friends and me also I cheat or lie in workplace or class .like in work place my working hours is 8/4 mooring but some time I leave early and tell lie that I have class but its not true Q3. Every religions teach the good things in life but every nation have good person and bad person .bad person who bad thing it doesn’t mean that hole nation is bad or corrupt. Q4. in the media there is a person who tell that her class mate doing cheat on test and every one knows it even teacher also but no one say anything or stop that person. Q6 . I thing people in this world or not 100% perfect every one they make mistake and have issues in personality. Some person takes bad decision in life someone take good
Monday, May 11, 2020
What is Self-Reliance - 795 Words
Some may ask, what is self-reliance? Self- Reliance is defined as relying on one’s own capabilities, judgment, resources, or independence. In â€Å"Self-Reliance†, written by an American Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson describes how we should live and prosper as a human being. In order to be self- realigned one must trust themselves, believe in themselves, and create individualism. The search for self-reliance comes from loving something, mainly yourself. Emerson states throughout his essay in order to be an individual you have to trust and be completely honest with yourself. You need to accept who you truly are as a person. Emerson’s self-reliance implies that one must be true to the self, above all others. He states: â€Å"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. This quote states that if you trust yourself, then you can truly be content in whatever you do or wherever you go. Always speak the truth because that is the only way you can be true to yourself. When you trust yourself you live in a state of peace and your heart vibrates like a string on a guitar, making the music pleasing to the ear and the body. In today’s society this quote applies to everyone. Trust is important in relationships, and one must have confidence in themselves and others in life. Emerson was a religious man, so he tells us to trust that God put you here for a reason. He has a plan for everyone. By trusting yourself in you will begin to discover your self-worth. What you think ofShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Self Reliance?1691 Words  | 7 PagesWho is an American that embodies self-reliance and independence? Self-reliance, or independence as an individual, is an uniquely American trait. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14, relating to this value, says to work hard, urge people to work for their own earning, and not be a burden on others. Without self-reliance, America could not be the country it is today. One person who embodies this American value would be Ulysses S. Grant. Grant showed this quality in his hard work to his family and country. He wasRead MoreAutonomy and Self-Reliance: Kant Vs. Emmerson1682 Words  | 7 PagesThe Autonomy of Self-Reliance In the late eighteenth century, with the publication of his theories on morality, Immanuel Kant revolutionized philosophy in a way that greatly impacted the decades of thinkers after him. The result of his influence led to perceptions and interpretations of his ideas reflected in the works of writers all around the world. Kant’s idealism stems from a claim that moral law, a set of innate rules within each individual, gives people the ability to reason, and itRead MoreThe Importance Of Self Reliance By David Thoreau818 Words  | 4 PagesThe Importance of Self Reliance One of the transcendentalist beliefs is that you should rely on yourself. Transcendentalism is a idea that you have to experience and understand nature. It developed in the early 1800’s. It has 5 core beliefs: nonconformity, self reliance, free thought, confidence, and importance of nature. The texts I will use as examples are Excerpts from Walden, and Self-Reliance. The authors of these are Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau. Self Reliance helps you surviveRead MoreSelf-Reliance English Essay802 Words  | 4 PagesSelf-Reliance Megan Delgado P.5 Make-up The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines self-reliance as reliance on ones own efforts, and abilities; Personal independence. Synonyms in the thesaurus include aptitude and ability to pertain independence. Yet self-reliance is so much more than its definition or synonyms; It doesnt exactly mean what the word itself states Reliance on oneself. It has a wide variety of interpretation and complexity than any definition provided for youRead MoreRalph Waldo Emersons Theory Of Transcendentalism1406 Words  | 6 PagesWhy fit in when you were born to stand out this quote was written by Dr. Suess and is an example of self reliance. In the transcendentalist era the whole idea of transcendentalism was self reliance, and having relationships with nature and spiritual wealth. For example Emerson wrote an essay called Self-Reliance talking about self reliance and people taking care of themselves instead of trusting other people to help. In the transcendentalist era during the 1800s i n America, people relied on themselvesRead MoreSelf-Reliance636 Words  | 3 PagesSanaya Williams PH-221 Professor Bradley Final Paper- Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance â€Å"Self- Reliance†is considered one of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s best-known essays. The essay was first published in 1841 in his collection, Essays: First Series. This essay contains the most thorough statement of Emerson’s emphasis on the need for individuals to avoid conformity and false consistency, and instead follow their own instincts and ideas. This essay shows Emerson’s ways for making and translating classicalRead MoreThe Theme of Self-Reliance in Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson821 Words  | 4 PagesThe Theme of Self-Reliance in Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson I will, in the following, discuss the theme of self-reliance in the above-mentioned texts. But what exactly is self-reliance? In his 1841 publication called Essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson includes an essay simply entitled Self-Reliance in which he states Trust thyself#8230;Great men have always done so and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age#8230; . Self-reliance is thus defined as the ability to be your own masterRead MoreWakefulness: Thoreau, Whitman, and Emerson1532 Words  | 7 Pagesintellectual exertion throughout everyday life is essential to becoming self-reliant, creating a more intellectual and better community, and becoming closer to god. Being self-reliant is brought up in many of Thoreau, Emerson, and Whitman’s work and if one wants to understand the idea of Wakefulness, then they need to understand self-reliance. In his book, Walden, Thoreau writes about the idea that in order to be awake, one must be self-reliant. In Walden, Thoreau leaves his life in Concord, MassachusettsRead MoreTranscendentalism : Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau967 Words  | 4 Pagesthis quote, â€Å"People... have knowledge about themselves and the world around them that transcends... what they can see, hear, taste, touch or feel†(History). This is a perfect explanation for what a transcendentalist is and what makes them so special. There are several important transcendentalist ideas that were expressed by Emerson and Thoreau, but few are as necessary as these; nature, self-reliance, and life quality. Nature is one of the most essential transcendentalist ideas that Emerson and ThoreauRead MoreEmerson Individualism Essay1222 Words  | 5 PagesEmerson begins his major work on individualism by declaring the importance of thinking for oneself instead of humbly acquiring someone else’s belief. Emerson says, â€Å"To believe that what is true in your private heart is true for all men  that is genius†. The one who scorns personal intuition and, instead, chooses to admit others opinions lacks the inventive power necessary for strong, fearless individualism. Emerson says, â€Å"Trust thyself,†a saying that ties along this initial section of the essay
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gender Roles Throughout History Susan Glaspell s...
Gender roles throughout history have been portrayed in many works of literature. We imagine that in 2016 our world would be at its absolute best regarding the roles of women considering we just had our first woman from a major party run for the highest office in the nation. Unfortunately, we still seem to have a way to go. Oscar Wilde said, Women have a much better time than men in this world; there are far more things forbidden to them. It has only been in the past few years that women have stood up and demanded equal pay and equal treatment. There are still many places in the world where women are still very oppressed. In Susan Glaspell s Trifles, written in 1916, the theme throughout is that the men are the smart, dominant ones, and therefore very chauvinistic, and the women only concern themselves with sewing and cleaning which is, therefore, insignificant and trifle. The women from the start of the play very clearly see clues to the murder that the men do not ever see. Glaspell tells the story of the murder of Mr. John Wright, who was found strangled in his bed. His wife Minnie is the main suspect. The men in the story, the County Attorney Mr. Henderson, the Sheriff Mr. Peters, and the neighbor who found the body, Mr. Hale, look for scientific clues and totally overlook what is right in front of them. In the 1900 s roles were clearly defined by the men and this is carried throughout the play. The women in this play are the unsung heroes while the men who areShow MoreRelatedFeminism Is Not About Making Women Stronger1441 Words  | 6 Pagesalready strong. It s about changing the way the world perceives that strength. - G.D Anderson  Our culture in the early Twentieth Century was biased in many ways, as it still is to this day in the Twenty-first Century. One of the major struggles were men s biased writing about women. Many women then and to this day still stand up and try to fight for equality. Women used to be given certain roles to be a part of society in our history. One of the main roles was a domesticated role which confinedRead MoreLack of Women Rights in Susan Glaspell ´s Trifles682 Words  | 3 Pagesof women in the declaration. Throughout history there have always been gender stereotypes and roles between men and women. People have always viewed men as the more dominant gender that have the most power and make the most money. It took a while for woman’s equalities to happened and really kick in. The one act play/story â€Å"Trifles†by Susan Glaspell, illustrates the lack of woman rights in the early 1900’s and the enslavement of women by their male partners. Glaspell tell s the story of a murderRead MoreAnalysis Of Susan Glaspells Trifles: Patriarchal Dominance997 Words  | 4 PagesPatriarchal Dominance Susan Glaspell’s a stage play Trifles filmed by Jasmine Castillo is based on the theme that two genders are separated by the roles they performance in society and their powers of execution. The story is about the terrible murder of Mr. Wright by his wife, and the women who found the evidence in farmer’s house decided to be silent and hide it. The women unquestionably have a strong motive to be quiet about their discovery. The discriminatory separation between two genders proves that womenRead MoreGender Roles In Trifles By Susan Glaspell1200 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout American history, stereotypes about gender socialization and gender roles have existed in society. During the late 19th to the early 20th century, genders roles began to shift. This is mainly due to the shift as more women took on more professional affairs. Because of this shift, women became less reliant on male dependency, allowing them to be socially equal in the eyes of men. In Susan Glaspellâ₠¬â„¢s play, Trifles makes a moving statement how the gender roles were in the early 20th centuryRead MoreTheme Of Marriage In A Dolls House1624 Words  | 7 Pages1800’s when the play was published saw more than it’s fair share of sexism but the twist comes with Nora leaving Torvald at the end of the play, which at the time was unheard of. More often than not this play leaves the reader siding with Nora and for a good reason as well since her intentions throughout were only to help her husband and share an equal marriage, Torvald not so much. Though gender inequality is seen greatly throughout this play, the theme is also very strong through â€Å"Trifles†by SusanRead More`` Trifles By Susan Glaspell Is A Murder Mystery When You Just Skim The Surface.842 Words  | 4 PagesWomen have faced oppression for the majority of history, and some still face this oppression today. In other countries, women are not allowed to show their faces, because it is disrespe ctful to their husbands. American women face a lesser issue in the pay scale difference, but it is still a viable one. The following questions come to mind: why are men placed on a higher pedestal? Do they work harder and think smarter, or does it come from a stereotype issue? In general, men are seen as powerful whileRead MoreChanging The World : One Play At A Time1644 Words  | 7 PagesAmber Geroy Engwr 301 Professor Collins 22 April 2015 Changing the World: One Play at a Time Throughout history women have fought to be treated equivalent to men. In today’s society, although there are still improvements to be made, it is easy to see that the female population has made a significant step towards equality and independence. Looking back about one hundred years ago, gender roles were still very specific and consisted of the man working and supporting the family, and the woman takingRead MoreGender Differences In Susan Glaspells Trifles1158 Words  | 5 PagesGender Differences in Susan Glaspell s Trifles Susan Glaspell s Trifles is a play about the effect of gender differences on perceptions of duty, law, and justice. The play takes place in the 1900’s, a time during which women had very few rights and were often seen as their husband’s property. Though during this time in history women were perceived as being inferior to men. The play has an unexpected twist which portrays a group of women going against social norms to solve the mystery surroundingRead MoreGender Roles In Trifles, By Susan Glaspell895 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout history, there have been many works of literature that used the concept of gender roles. An example of one of these literary works is Trifles, written by Susan Glaspell in 1916. Back in 1916 women were held to no value. Since the Progressive Era, many women have fought for those equal rights. Now, in modern day society, they have finally achieved that. Today, in modern day society, men and women are treated closer to equal but are s till not 100%. Women are no longer limited to just makingRead More Gender Stereotypes in Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House and Susan Glaspells Trifles 1836 Words  | 8 PagesGender Stereotypes in Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House and Susan Glaspells Trifles In the plays A Dolls House, by Henrik Ibsen, and Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, the male characters propagate stereotypes and make assumptions concerning the female characters. These assumptions deal with the way in which the male characters see the female characters, on a purely stereotypical, gender-related level. The stereotypes and assumptions made in A Dolls House are manifest in the way Torvald Helmer treats
Enviromental aspects,issues, impact and legislation Free Essays
string(60) " energy ingestion records a high mark of 25 and ranked 1st\." Introduction The universe ‘s environment is non illimitable. The demand to take into consideration the sustainability of the illimitable universe ‘s environment has brought about inventions in assorted techniques and methods of doing certain the environment is good sustained. In the class of realizing the sustainability of the universe ‘s environment, there have been divergent positions on the definitions and accounts of sustainability. We will write a custom essay sample on Enviromental aspects,issues, impact and legislation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Brundtland ( 1987 ) is of the position that, sustainable development involves run intoing the demands and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability to run into those of the hereafter. â€Å"We all have an impact on the environment by the mere act of populating from daily, Whitelaw ( 2004 ) †. This essay will take major stairss in turn toing environmental facets, issues, impact and the assorted statute law associated with them. STUDY SITE ( CASE STUDY ) The instance survey is a location in the University of Hertfordshire. This location is a level within one of the halls of abode, i.e. level in one of the inn adjustment. Precisely, kitchen 33, wide hall, bishop rise Hatfield, Hertfordshire. The flat is made up of 12 suites, with 12 residents sharing one kitchen, two bathing suites, three lavatories, a common step instance, and other installations put in topographic point by the authorization of the University of Hertfordshire Section ONE The survey site is affected by some environmental issues. The facets, issues, impacts and the guiding statute laws are tabulated below. Table 1: Showing environmental facet, issues, impacts and steering statute laws on the survey site, Kitchen 33, Broad hall. Aspect Issue Impact Legislation ( A ) Waste 1 Sewage waste 2 Plastic waste 3 Paper waste 4 Leftovers from nutrient 5 Empty bottles Waste production Waste disposal Waste direction job Environmental pollution Environmental debasement Loss of utile land Cost of recycling waste. cost of waste disposal The WRA 1991 ( H2O resource act ) : subdivision 85 Environmental protection act ( EPA ) 1990 UK WEE Regulation The landfill ( England and waste ) ordinances 2002 ( B ) ENERGY CONSUMPTION. High energy ingestion from 1.Electric cooker 2.Microwave oven 3.heaters in all suites. 4. Hot H2O from pat. 5. Electronic doors 6.Light bulbs. 1.Carbon missions into the ambiance. 2.Heat coevals 3.Climate alteration 1.Ozon bed depletion 2.Air pollution 3.Global warming 4.Loss of aesthetic value of the environment. 5.Green house consequence . 1.Kyoto pact 1997 aimed at cut downing the emanation of green house gases. 2.Environmental protection act 1990 ; UK parliament 1990. 3.Clean air act, 1993. 4.Town and state planning ( Hazard Substance Control Act. ) 1990. 5. Montreal protocol September 1987 6.Clean air act,1993 ( C ) NATURAL RESOURCES 1.Furniture from wood. 2.Use of tabular arraies 3.Use of chairs 4.cupboards for hive awaying nutrient. 5.Plastics ; waste bins, home bases, spoons, 6.Use of glass 7.micro moving ridge oven. 8.Refridgerators. 9.Rug rugs in suites 10.metal beds used in the suites. 1.Solid waste coevals. 2, Landfills 3.General waste. 1.Deforestation. 2Oxygen depletion. 3.Emission of C dioxide. 4.loss of utile land. 5.loss of universe ‘s biodiversity. 1.Refuse disposal agreeableness act,1978. 2.controlled waste ordinances ( S1588 ) 1992 3.Resouce recovery act 1970. ( D ) Noise This is any signifier of sound that is non endurable or that disturbs the ear or the organic structure in general. It could be from peoples raucous interactions, music, pealing telephones, closing of doors, interrupting of home bases in the kitchen. Disturbing stairss on the step instance by residents and visitants. Noise production Perturbations that wakes one up when resting or kiping Inability to concentrate while reading Unnecessary distractions by opening and closing of doors. Extreme noise could impact the ear membranophone The statutory noise act ordinances 2006 ( Tocopherol ) HEALTH/SAFETY Carelessness, non attachment to UH adjustment service regulations. The impacts could be hurts from the usage of family utensils Contamination from minor unwellnesss, e.g cough which is easy contagious The smoke-free ( premises and enforcement ) ordinances 2006. Health and safety act. 1974. Statutory instrument No. 2677. 2002. WATER CONSUMPTION. 1.Water usage 2.Use of chemical 3.Use of detergents 1.Chemical toxicity 2. Runing H2O from pat ( dripping H2O ) . 3.Dirty H2O fluxing through sink 1.Pollution of land H2O 2.Contamination of shoal aquifer 3. depletion of inland H2O beginnings. 1.Water industries act 1991, 2.Water resource act 1991 3. Land H2O ordinance act 1998. Section TWO Several environmental issues affect the survey site, wide hall of abode, kitchen 33. These issues include waste production, disposal, waste direction, energy ingestion, noise production, H2O usage, wellness and safety. The effects of these environmental issues vary in wide hall kitchen 33. A marking and ranking system was carried out to acquire the issue with the highest degree of importance. i.e, prioritizing the issues. Marking AND Ranking System:The ranking and marking system used in the facets and impacts analysis matrix Tinsley ( 2001 ) . 2.1.2 THE ASPECTS AND IMPACTS ANALYSIS MATIX For lucidity intent, a five point evaluation graduated table is used to sort each facet, environmental issues in relation to their corresponding environmental impact as: major, high, moderate, minimal, and low. Table 2.1: ASPECT CLASSIFICATION ( Tinsley 2001 ) SEVERITY/RATING ASPECT CLASSIFICATION ASPECT CRITERIA 1 Minimum No consequence of waste on the environment 2 Low Low consequence of waste 3 Moderate Moderate waste production 4 High High waste production presence and consequence 5 Major Major production of waste Table 2.2 PROBABILITY OF OCCURENCE:The chance or likeliness of happening can be ascertained from a mark of 1 ( less than 20 % ) to a mark of 5 ( 81-100 % ) . Tinsley ( 2001 ) PROBABILITY OF OCCURRENCE PROBABILITY % 5 81-100 4 61-80 3 41-60 2 21-40 1 0-20 Table 2.3 SEVERITY/RATING PROBABILITY ( 5 ) Mark Ranking 1 Minimal 2 low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Major Likelihood Of Happening Probability Multiplied By Badness Harmonizing To Mark value Table 2.4 PRIORITISING THE ISSUE USING SCORING AND RANKING Issue Badness Evaluation Probability Mark Ranking 1 High waste production 5 5 20 2neodymium 2High energy ingestion 5 4 25 1st 3 Noise production 5 3 15 3rd 4 Water use 3 3 9 5Thursday 5 Waste direction 3 2 6 6Thursday 6 sloppiness 5 2 10 4Thursday Table 2,4 shows that energy ingestion records a high mark of 25 and ranked 1st. It can be concluded that high energy ingestion is the major environmental issue associated with wide hall, kitchen 33. This is followed by high waste production, ranked 2neodymiumwith a mark of 20. Noise production ranked 3rdwith a mark of 15, sloppiness ranked 4h and hold a mark of 10 while H2O usage and waste direction scored 9 A ; 6 and ranked 5th A ; 6Thursdayseverally. Emphasis will be on the two most of import issues in this essay. 2.2 HIGH ENERGY UTILIZATION Major productions today depend on high usage of energy. The demand for high energy usage has been on the addition. Brady ( 2006 ) explains that energy use has led to the presence of heat on the Earth and besides accretion of green house gases. This affects climate alteration. Collins ( 1998 ) defines energy as the capacity to make work. And that energy could be in assorted signifiers. These include electrical energy, mechanical energy, heat energy, light energy, sound energy, possible energy, kinetic energy etc. The hall of abode ( kitchen33 ) is associated with high energy use. Among the issues prioritised on table 2,4, energy use scored 25 and ranked 1st.It is the major issue. Light bulbs are left on for a long clip, electric cooker is ever in usage for cookery and boiling H2O. A batch of energy is consumed through this procedure. Furthermore, the warmers in the suites are invariably in usage since the conditions is cold. The chief entryway door and doors taking to each of the 12 suites are electronically operated with the usage of cards. In the class of this, energy is utilised. The bulbs that light the transition are in most instances on, since no 1 is attached to the transition for adjustment. The showers for bathing, running lights-outs in the kitchen are besides beginnings of energy use. Due to energy use, clime alteration has led to sea degree rise. Sea degree rise could endanger the endurance of 1000s islands of whose highest points are frequently non more than a few meters above sea degree, every bit good as other low lying country ; with significant animate being and human population Vrolijk ( 2002 ) . In order to keep sustainability of the universe ‘s environment, the Kyoto Protocol set out lawfully adhering quantified emanation restriction and decrease committedness ( QELRSs ) for industrialised states, and targeted 5.2 % decrease in emanations from 1990, degrees for a basket of green house, by the commitment period of 2008-12, Vrolijk ( 2002 ) . Energy usage besides has a batch of impact on the Earth. The combustion of fossil fuels is a beginning of impact. Harmonizing to the University of Hertfordshire environmental forum, quality of life study ( 2006 ) , the primary cause of planetary clime alteration is the green house gas emanation distributed to places and industries into the ambiance. It went farther to province that, UK. relies upon carbon-base dodo fuels for the bulk of its energy beginnings. Coal and gas supply Stationss to bring forth electrical energy. 2.3 WASTE PRODUCTION/ DISPOSAL / MANAGEMENT Waste could be described as a substance which constitute a scrap stuff or other unwanted excess substance originating from the application of any procedure, Bahu ( 1997 ) p24. Waste includes points, stuffs that are no more in utile. Cope ( 1983 ) , defines waste as the merchandises, spent residues and discarded constituents of industrial fabrication procedures, which have no realistic value. What could be taken as waste varies with persons. Brady ( 2006 ) , states that human activities have the possible to foul the aquatic environment, for illustration domestic waste. Beginnings of waste could be ; places, fabricating industries, offices, dilapidated stuffs from edifices, , sewerage etc. The quality of life study ( 2006 ) , Hertfordshire Environmental Forum, states that, in 2005-2006, the entire waste produced in the state amounted to 2 million metric tons.Several environmental issues are associated with the survey site, a level in the University of Hertfordshire pupil ‘s adjustment. Waste production, disposal, direction are endangering issues in the level. As an country develops and population additions, the volume of waste H2O additions, ensuing in an addition in hurtful substances leaching into the local aquifer and pollute the H2O, which becomes insecure for usage, Black ( 1977 ) . Sewage waste are generated from lavatories, soiled H2O gotten from soaked pots poured into the sink constitute high waste production in the level. Furthermore, waste bins are in most instances overfilled and rubbish litters the floor of the kitchen. This is an environmental jeopardy which straight affects the wellness of the residents and the aesthetic value of the level. The pro duction of waste is so high that the Rota prepared by the University of Hertfordshire adjustment office can no longer assist the state of affairs. Traveling by the manner of the adjustment service ‘s agreement, the waste are supposed to be disposed off each twenty-four hours. But in most instances, waste bins are already overfilled before the terminal of the twenty-four hours. This brings in the issue of direction since the Rota does non work out the manner it was planned. In some instances the residents have to â€Å"break protocol†by non waiting till the terminal of the twenty-four hours before disposing off the overfilled waste bins. In 2003, 43 % of the entire waste produced in the UK was disposed off in landfill site, DEFRA ( 2007 ) . If this tendency occurs really frequently, the universe ‘s environmental sustainability is threatened and the aesthetic value of the environment is compromised. There are besides waste from pots left for many yearss. The pots become smelly as some of the proprietors leave place for yearss. From the study embarked upon in the class of this work, it was found that â€Å"mini†waste bins get overfilled in some of the suites. If sustainability must be embraced, so the flat in inquiry is yet to make so. From table 2.4, it is justifiable to state that, waste production with a mark of 20 and ranked 2nd is one of the chief environmental issue concerned with the survey site. Section THREE 3.0The two issues that were identified with the instance survey ( wide hall, kitchen 33 ) as prioritised in table 2.4 are: Waste production, disposal and direction. High energy use. The above mentioned issues are prioritised as the two chief issues whose impact are more on the hall of abode ( kitchen 33 ) . It will be of import to explicate and propose solutions to the jobs caused by these issues. Here the benefit of environmental direction system, if implemented will be explained to the authorization of the University of Hertfordshire. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Definition: Sheldon ( 2003 ) described direction system as a simple manner of traveling information around inside an organisation. He moreover states that, its map is to determine reaching of information at the right topographic point at the right clip for a good determination to be made. An environmental direction system takes into history organisation forces, construction, be aftering map, operation, procedure and even its accustomed pattern. As opposed to fiscal and quality facets, it is the environmental facets of an organisation ‘s activities, merchandises and services that are capable to direction, Sheldon ( 2003 ) . In order to accomplish consequences through the usage of environmental direction system attack, a policy frame work is needed. Jaccard ( 2005 ) , sees policy as, an attempt by public governments to bring on action, and these include ; information proviso, ordinances, revenue enhancement, subsidies and the determination to take direct action. Brady ( 2006 ) , defines environmental direction system as a structured frame work for pull offing an administration ‘s important environmental impact. There are a figure of international criterion to be met or pursued by administrations who intend to run within the environmental scene. ISO 14001 is the most internationally recognized EMS usher and it is one of the wide scope of environmental criterions in the ISO 14000 series. ISO 14001 requires organisations to use proper attention and control in covering with the environment and that, administrations impact on the environment should be controlled, Whitelaw ( 2004 ) . An environmental impact is any alteration caused the environment whether adverse or good BENEFIT ASSOCIATED WITH EMS FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE The environmental issues and impact concerned with the University of Hertfordshire ‘s Hall of Residence ( Broad Hall, Kitchen 33 ) exactly, should be addressed. Here the nidation of EMS is suggested. With the usage of an environmental direction system, the needed legislative and regulative attachment will be implemented. This execution will better on the University of Hertfordshire, particularly, conformity with the assorted statute law that are already in topographic point. Ana EMS will assist the University save cost in the country of energy ingestion. An analysis of the benefit and cost realised from an EMS can assist turn to of import managerial inquiries, Yiridoe et Al, ( 2003 ) . The University, with the usage of EMS, could determine whether environmental activities have resulted in increased operational volume or lessening in operating cost. By affecting the full work force in a cost decrease programme, spreads would be bridged and encouraging consequences are achieved, Hill et Al, ( 2004 ) . The University of Hertfordshire could develop its staff in line with established regulative and legislative criterions to accomplish high environmental public presentation. In the country of waste production, the University direction should endeavor to transport out a everyday cheques on the suites and kitchen of the hall in inquiry. Adopting an EMS would assist the University embracing method of waste direction. For illustration, recycling of waste as practiced with the usage of incinerators can be adopted Hepbasli ( 2008 ) . Increasing the figure of waste bins on a regular basis or frequent disposal will be of import. Embracing an EMS by the University direction will assist work out job of such nature. It is besides recommended that, punishments be awarded mistaking residents who fail to adhere to the new ordinances. The UK authorities has a mark of 1,500MW of new electricity bring forthing capacity from renewable beginnings by the twelvemonth 2000, and estimations that by 2025, renewable may provide between 5 % and 25 % of current UK electricity, Hill et Al ( 2004 ) . This could be good achieve with the execution of an EMS. This will in no uncertainty cut down the cost incurred from over ingestion of energy in the level within wide hall of abode. Adopting an EMS would besides cut down the sum of emanations into the ambiance, since it will take to a decrease in the combustion of fossil fuels. Hepbasli ( 2008 ) is of the position that renewable energy offers a scope of benefit, such as, lessening in external dependance on energy and besides hike local and regional industries in the country of employment. The University ‘s corporate image would hold a face lift through the execution of an EMS. Adopting an EMS will heighten environmental public presentation of the University in the country of waste direction and decrease in energy use. The University may besides derive a really high credence and acknowledgment from assorted supervising governments and bureaus, Especially, authorities governments, holding been enhanced by following an EMS. When coal and gas are burnt for energy, C dioxide ( CO2 ) is released together with a scope of other gases including green-house gases, ( quality of life study 2006 ) . With the application of EMS, the decrease of energy ingestion could be achieved and more so, several attempt should be made to guarantee dependance on renewable energy beginning. A good implemented EMS will be utile in this way. Making certain that occupant exchange off their electrical contraptions, i.e. bulbs, warmer, micro moving ridges, kettle-heater, and cooker etc in due times should be followed up. Environmental direction system can non be ruled out in seeking to accomplish a sustainable development. Decision: The being of adult male is dependent on assorted factors or phenomena. The environment seems to be the umbrella under which adult male lives continuously and sustainably. Though, accomplishing a perfect environmental sustainability is still being pursued, the environment is continuously faced with impacts, ensuing from environmental issues caused by adult male. Human activities are beginnings of environmental impacts. Since a sustainable environment must be achieved, persons should escalate attempts towards developing and protecting the environment.Adopting of good methods, techniques, and policies, for illustration EMS, is recommended to accomplish environmental sustainability. Mentions Bahu R. , Cretteden B. , Hara O. ( 1997 )Management of Process Industry Waste. Institute of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, p207. Brundtland, G. H. ( 1987 )Our Common Future:The Report of The universe Commission on Environment and Development, Oxford university imperativeness Brady, J. ( 2006a ) .Environmental Management in administration: Evaluating Environmental Performance, the IEMA Handbook, p251. Brady, J. ( 2006b ) .Environmental Management in administration: Climate alteration and energy, the IEMA Handbook, p364 Brady, J. ( 2006c )Environmental Management in administration: Key environmental subject, the IEMA Handbook, p366 Black, A. ( 1977 )Water pollution engineering. Reston publication. P220 Cope, Fuller and Willet ( 1983 )The Scientific Management of Hazardous Waste. Cambridge University Press. Collins G. ( 1998 ) English lexicon, new edition. Harper Collins publication. p182 Defra ( 2007 )Sustainable development indexs in your pocket: Department of nutrient and rural personal businesss, London, p43 Hertfordshire Environmental Forum ( 2006 ) . Quality of life study p39 Hepbasli, A. ( 2008 ) A cardinal reappraisal on energetic and appraisal of renewable energy beginning for the hereafter.Renewable and sustainable energy reappraisal.12,issue 3. P593-661 Hill, J. , Marshal, I. , Priddy, C. ( 2004 ) Waste decrease.Profiting concern and the environment.2131-36 Hill, J. , Marshal, I. , Priddy C. ( 2004 ) Energy coevals capacity.Profiting concern and theenvironment.2115-23 Jaccard, M. ( 2005 )Sustainable dodo fuels. Cambridge University imperativeness. p260 NetRegs ( 2007 ) . NetRegs: Environmental counsel for your concern. hypertext transfer protocol: // . Site accessed: 9/02/2008 Sheldon, C. , Yoxon, M. ( 2003 )Installing Environmental Management System. A measure by measure guide. Earthscan publications, London, revised edition.p4 Tinsley, S. ( 2001 )Environmental Plans Demystified:A usher to implementing ISO 14001.Spon imperativeness, pp 240. Vrolijk C. ( 2002 )Climate alteration and power. Royal institute of international personal businesss. p3 Whitelaw K. ( 2004 )ISO 14001:Environmental System Handbook. Elsevier Butterworth, London, p 237. Yiridoe, K. , Marett, E. , Clark, S. , Gordon, R. , Duinker, P. ( 2003 ) ISO 14001: EMS standard enrollment determination among Canadian administrations,Agribusiness19,p439-457 How to cite Enviromental aspects,issues, impact and legislation, Essay examples
Wag The Dog Essay Research Paper Wag free essay sample
Wag The Dog Essay, Research Paper Wag The Dog The film starts with the President hit with the claim he had sexual dealingss with a firefly miss during a circuit of the white house, and all this happens two hebdomads before the election. I m non certain if this film was really based upon the Lewinsky dirt that our current president is facing, but it seems this film came at the right clip. The narrative is similar, every bit far as the sex charges, and a war to cover it up. Clinton did declare onslaughts on Iraq, which was after this film was released. I m non stating that the film gave Clinton the thought of assailing Iraq or if it was really needed. This film made me believe allot, about how things truly work in the authorities. The whole film is how they are seeking to take the populaces mind off the sex charges to maintain the president the favourite for the approaching election. We will write a custom essay sample on Wag The Dog Essay Research Paper Wag or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The chief characters were Conrad Bream, who s chief aim was to Change the narrative, it was his thought to forge a war with Albania. They kept inquiring Why Albania? , Conrad s answer was No 1 in the USA knows about Albania. Conrad along with Winifred, a presidents adviser, make up ones mind to utilize a celebrated Hollywood manufacturer to assist make the semblance of war, so he asks Stanley Motss. Stanley is unelaborated about it at first or seems to be at least. He mentions that he has neer received an Academy Award but he has produced it. Conrad offers him as many awards as he wants to assist him. Stanley agrees and begins be aftering the war, measure, by measure. He calls in a few people to assist him. I can t retrieve their names in the film, but he used Dennis Leary, and Willie Nelson throughout the movie. Leary played an adviser of kinds to Stanley and Nelson was used to assist do a subject for the war. They plan things out and hold many people help along the manner. The first thing they did was movie a bogus scene of a miss fleeing for her life in Albania. It was so released to the media and filled the intelligence. From at that place on out they planned and plotted every move to assist maintain the public worried about the war and non the sex charges. Near the terminal of the film the CIA intercepts what is traveling on and takes Conrad and Winifred into detention and get down inquiring inquiries. The CIA tells them that they have been tracking what is traveling on in Albania and no thing at all is traveling on there. Conrad uses his crafty accomplishments and negotiations his manner out of the whole state of affairs. The CIA releases the information to the populace and causes an obstruction for Conrad and Winifred. Once once more they turn to Stanley to assist. He makes up a hero named Shoeman, who was purportedly left behind after the war. They have Nelson compose a vocal about it and claim it is an old common people vocal from the 1930 s called Old Shoe and it shortly becomes the subject for Shoeman. America is caught up in the new found information. Then they had to present Shoeman to the populace. They ended up utilizing a inmate and when they were winging him back for a intelligence conference the plane went down in a field. Thingss happened and the inmate was shot by a husbandman, for messing with his girl. Once once more they were faced with an obstruction. The lone thing to make, was to hype up the funeral for Shoeman. It worked absolutely, they all pulled it off, and got off with it. Then Stanley wants to do a film out of this narrative. Conrad tells him he can t even if it s an false version. Stanley gets disquieted and tells Conrad it s the best work he has of all time done. He was traveling to do it into a film. Conrad asked him if that s what he truly wanted to make. Stanley said yes. Conrad could non allow that go on, so he had the secret service solve the job. The following portion shows a headline about Stanley s decease from a bosom onslaught and a immense funeral was arranged. Basically, this film made me believe allot cause it could wholly be existent, and could be go oning right now. We will neer cognize because the authorities wouldn T want us to. It shows how much power people have and what can be done with it. I candidly wouldn t be surprised if the Iraq bombardments were somewhat prompted by the Lewinsky charges. Clinton has taken allot of heat in the past twelvemonth or so, and I m certain there is allot of things he would make merely to acquire rid of this for a piece. One thing I noticed that was neat is that you neer saw the president s face in the film, go forthing it unfastened to your imaginativeness. I fell asleep watching this film on the plane drive to Seattle and I don t retrieve any of it, but I m glad I ended up seeing it finally. I would urge this film to anyone 16 or older. It makes you think about things, and that s what a good film is supposed to make in my eyes.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Servant Leadership free essay sample
Servant Leadership is often interpreted differently by anyone who has been interested in it. However, there are certain traits that are consistent in the definition and most people do agree that the main goal is to empower others. I believe one of my strongest characteristics would be listening and empathy. In my opinion, these two go hand in hand and should actually be considered one characteristic. I have always been a person that others could feel comfortable confiding in. I feel that the reason for this is that not only do I listen, I listen with empathy. In order to be a successful listener, I feel one must be able to show empathy to those they are speaking with. While my son was growing up, our house was the one that all of the kids would hang out at. As a result I was able to get to know all of them extremely well and they grew to realize that I could be trusted and really did care about all of them. We will write a custom essay sample on Servant Leadership or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I became the person they would confide in when they were unable to speak truthfully with their parents or anyone else. This became a common occurrence and I feel that I had a positive effect on their lives. While studying for my Master’s Degree, I did my thesis on â€Å"Drug and Alcohol Use Among High School Athletes†. Most of these kids were involved in sports and had been most of their lives. One part of my research was to survey high school students from various sports programs, ages, and schools. It was important to be able to obtain honest responses and I believe that my ability to build trust with them was a major reason for the success of my research. I did make sure that all of the surveys were confidential, however they were all more than willing to participate and from the answers I received, I believe they were extremely honest. Another trait that I believe is a strong one of mine is building community. I have always been one that tries to involve everyone and make them feel comfortable, feel like they belong. My son has always been involved in sports. While in high school, he was largely involved in the football program. As a parent, I felt that it was important for me to help out in any way that I could. I volunteered as the team photographer for his football and hockey teams and did my best to make sure that all of the players were recognized in the pictures for each game. When my son was in high school, the Quarterback Club, or the football booster program, was in jeopardy of no longer existing. While all of the players’ parents were members of the club, it became increasingly difficult to find anyone who was willing to take on any of the main responsibilities. There were four elected positions and there were also a large number of programs that needed leaders to run them. In his junior year, they were unable to find a secretary. I volunteered and took on this responsibility. However, his senior year the president had moved on and there wasn’t anyone who was willing to take on this extremely important position. Once again, I volunteered and took on this position. As President, it was one of my responsibilities to find volunteers to lead programs and become members of these teams. I was able to find someone to fill both the secretary and the vice president positions and others to take on the team leader positions. We were able to implement new activities that put new life and excitement into the program. More parents started getting involved and as the word got around that we were making changes, the interest and ideas began to grow. While there are traits I believe I am strong in, there are others that I need to work on. One of the main areas that I feel I need to develop is foresight. While I have strong intentions to focus on how the decisions I make will affect us in the future, this is not always the case. In the day to day activities, I often find myself focusing more on the short term priorities. I need to work harder at determining how the decisions we make today will impact the success of the future. I believe I need to better develop my ability to anticipate the possible consequences of the decisions we make. One way to cultivate this trait would be to make a conscious effort to become more aware of the things that are going on around me and how choices that were made in the past are affecting us today. Another area I feel I am not as strong as I could be is conceptualization. While I have always encouraged others to dream their big dreams, to be as creative as possible and to go after what they want, I have not always been too good at not focusing on the day to day activities. A servant leader who has strong conceptualization traits encourages others to not become too focused on their current responsibilities. However, as a single parent I find myself becoming caught up in the everyday tasks which keep me from focusing more on the big picture. I believe that my greatest need is to increase my ability to concentrate on the visions, goals and possibilities that will make a huge impact on our future success.
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