Saturday, May 23, 2020

Five Important Moral Values Essay - 1278 Words

Five Important Moral Values Shilpi Singh Foothill College Abstract This paper is about five important moral values. Personally, I believe that every child should have these moral values because these moral values were vital to me when I was growing up. Basically, I would pass these moral values on to my child, because they are so imperative to have. As the children go through elementary school, middle school, and high school, they will need these essential moral values. Five Important Moral Values Honesty and Integrity First of all, each and every child should hold the moral value of honesty and integrity. Each and every child should learn to be honest, no matter what. If one is honest, others admire them. For example, if a child has done something wrong, the child should be honest about it. Generally, I feel that this moral value is critical because it matters so much in life. If it is not a value someone contains, they will have a hard time in life, and people will have a difficult time trusting them. If you look at it one way, I have always believed that forming bonds of trust and trustworthy relationships are the strongest. Therefore, this correlates back to honesty and integrity, because trust forms when one is honest, and always tells the truth. This moral value has always been emphasized in my family origins, and that is why it is so important to me. My religion, Hinduism, does believe in honesty (as it is written in the â€Å"Gita†), and as we learn about HinduismShow MoreRelatedThe Moral Instinct By Pinker845 Words   |  4 Pagesmorality come from and why is it important for us to know? The cognitive scientist, psychologist, linguist, and scholar, Steven Pinker discusses this in his essay, â€Å"The Moral Instinct†. In this essay, Pinker claims that our morality sense is innate, it constantly changes, and it is universal among each culture. 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