Monday, February 3, 2020

Maths Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Maths - Assignment Example The advantages of using a pocket calculator include calculations being carried out faster. It also allows to successfully complete more difficult calculations. Using a pocket calculator can give you confidence when you are doing difficult problems and can help you focus on the problems, not the calculations. A main disadvantage of using a pocket calculator may give you a false sense of confidence in your calculation abilities and might inhibit your ability to do even basic calculations in your head or on paper. You become reliant on electronic devices and there may be an instance where you need to work out a calculation by hand in the instance where you may not have a pocket calculator to hand. The formulae can be used to instantly recalculate totals. For example, if the builder changed his call-out charge, the total cost would be instantly recalculated taking the change into account. Using excel spreadsheets You can carry out "what if?" investigations. The information can be presented in different ways. For example, the grocer could produce a graph of fruit and vegetable sales by choosing the ranges A4:A10 and E4:E10 in order to make the graph. It is easy to make changes using excel, save your work and print it out again. The presentation is flexible on excel, the column widths and easily delete or add columns and rows. The program makes it easy to find out the relationship between predictable variables and measurable responses. The software also specifies the polynomial terns and their interaction. The software also transforms the responses with the help of the Box-Cox transformations. The average life of the bulb is dictated by the replacement policy. It would be cheaper to practically replace all the bulbs at once. There would need to be a permit to work, availability of manpower and available funding. d) The supplier offers a new type of bulb, Type B that has a mean life of 450 days and the same standard deviation (60

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